GrowPoint Ladies Nights 2022

Click the video above for an invite from Pastor Stephanie & Lesli

Beginning Friday evening, January 7, and then continuing the first Friday of every month through April, GrowPoint Ladies will be meeting at GrowPoint to study The Emotionally Healthy Woman book by Geri Scazzero. The vibe of our Friday night gatherings will be part book study, part worship along with a time to connect with other ladies. Invite friends, even if they don’t normally attend GrowPoint, and save the date for these Friday evenings that are sure to be filled with learning and laughter.

Friday evening gatherings will culminate with a 2022 GrowPoint Ladies Retreat.

Friday Evening Dates

January 7 | 6:30pm
February 4 | 6:30pm
March 4 | 6:30pm
April 1 | 6:30pm