Elementary | Week of August 30

Welcome to GrowKids Online! Today wrapping up the “BRAVE” series as we learn a story of David’s mercy!

DISCUSSION : David Spares Saul’s Life
Read : 1 Samuel 24:1-18

  • Why did Saul want to harm David?
  • Why did David spare Saul’s life?
  • How did Saul respond when David spared his life?
  • Read Luke 6:36. How has God been merciful to you this week?
  • Instead of seeking revenge, what should be your response to someone who has hurt you?
  • How can you respond to someone who has wronged you?
  • Do you know anyone who needs to be shown compassion?
  • How can you show compassion to them?


INSTRUCTIONS: Write each word of the memory verse on an index card. Hide the cards around the room and encourage the kids to hunt for them. Then, allow them to put the cards in the correct order.

MV: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God” Isaiah 41:10

CREATE | Mercy Ball
INSTRUCTIONS | Grab a small balloon, flour and a funnel. Today we are creating stress balls! Do you know the purpose of a stress ball? You use it to help calm you down. You focus on rolling or squeezing it to get rid of your anger.There are some times when people disappoint us, hurt us, or make us angry, but we can choose to show mercy over anger.

Place the funnel in the top of the balloon, and pour flour into the ballon. Allow the flour to fill the balloon just big enough to be able to squeeze yet leaving extra balloon for room to fill in. Use your stress ball as a reminder that when we get angry, we can focus on attention on something else and show others mercy.

How would you define the word “mercy”?
Mercy is another word for “compassion.” It’s often used to describe letting someone out of punishment or trouble even though it would serve them right. Showing mercy means you are willing to be kind, loving, and to help someone else. . . especially when that person doesn’t really deserve it. There are many ways to show mercy to someone. But sometimes showing mercy or compassion can be hard, especially when someone doesn’t treat us well and needs our forgiveness.

In a journal or on a piece of paper, brainstorm some areas in your own life that you could show mercy to others. Write down names of people in your life and then draw a line and attach an idea of how to show compassion/mercy to them. (Ex. Sister — don’t fight back, Mom — Listen the first time she tells you something…)


Spend a few moments quietly talking to God about what you journaled on. Ask God to reveal what might need to change in your life so you can show mercy to others. Ask God to bring someone to mind who might need a little compassion from you right now.

Dear God,
Thank you for showing me mercy. Would you reveal to me what needs to change in my life so I can show mercy to others? Bring to my mind someone who needs compassion right now and give me the strength to love like you do.
In Jesus’ name,

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Early Childhood | Week of August 30

Hey GrowKids! How many of you have been to the beach this summer? I love laying on the warm sand, building a sandcastle, and feeling the sand between my toes. Today’s story takes place in the sand, but in the desert.

Bible Story

  • King Saul did not like David.
  • King Saul was trying to hurt David.
  • King Saul and his men were looking for David in the desert.
  • When King Saul went in a cave, David and his men were hiding there.
  • But King Saul didn’t see David.
  • David cut off a piece of King Saul’s robe.
  • David chose to show King Saul mercy. David could have hurt Saul, but he didn’t. That is mercy – when you show love, care, and kindness to someone else.
  • When King Saul heard David say that David had cut his robe but did not hurt him, King Saul cried.
  • King Saul decided that David did something very kind when David showed him mercy.


Pray this Prayer: Dear God, we are so glad You show us mercy every day. You love us so much and you are very kind to us. God, please help us to show mercy to others.


Activity: BUILD A CAVE

  • Help the kids use blocks to build a cave. Talk about the Bible story as they build with you.
    • TODDLER HACK: You could also make a fort out of blankets propped on chair that all the toddlers can crawl into while you retell the story.
  • Who did David see in the cave in the desert? David saw King Saul.
  • When David chose not to hurt King Saul, David chose to show mercy. David could have hurt King Saul, but he didn’t. That is mercy. We can show mercy by being kind even when we don’t want to.


  • Hide small pieces of fabric around the room for the kids to find.
    • TODDLER HACK: You could also give the kids colorful construction paper to tear into pieces. As the kids are tearing the paper, tell the Bible story and focus on how David tore King Saul’s robe.
  • You found all of the fabric just like David found King Saul in the cave.
  • Did David hurt King Saul? No, David didn’t hurt him.
  • What did David do? David cut off a piece of King Saul’s robe.
  • Did David show King Saul mercy? Yes, David could have hurt King Saul, but he didn’t. David showed mercy. We can show mercy to others, too, just like David did.


  • Play a simple game of hide-and-seek with the kids. Talk about how David was trying to hide from King Saul when David was in the cave.



  • Give the kids a small cup of puffed rice cereal. Tell the kids to pretend to be eating desert sand for a snack. Retell the Bible story as the kids eat.

Connect with Us!

When have you had the opportunity to show someone mercy? Maybe a sibling has done something to you, but instead of hitting them or doing something you felt like they deserved in the moment, you made a better choice.