Elementary | Week of June 28

Welcome to Grow Kids Online! We are continuing to learn the Fruits of the Spirit and this week’s Focus Fruit is PATIENCE!

DISCUSSION : The Birth of Isaac
Read : Genesis 21:1-7

  • What did God promise Abraham?
  • Why do you think God made Abraham wait so long to have a son?
  • Why is waiting so hard?
  • Can you think of some times when you have had to wait in the last week or so?
  • How can we learn to be more patient?


MEMORY VERSE | Memory Verse Phone Call
INSTRUCTIONS: Ask to borrow your parents phone. Open the camera and record yourself saying this summer’s memory verse! Send the video you make to someone you miss and can’t wait to see. Tell them that you are working hard learning the Fruits of the Spirit this summer!
(Watch the Memory Verse video to learn the motions to our verse, Galatians 5:22-23)

CREATE | Patient for Fruit
INSTRUCTIONS: Cut out and color a fruit of your choice from construction paper. Trace and cut out an hourglass shape, like the one that pops up on the computer when something is loading, or the hourglass from the Bucket List. Color the hourglass and then glue it onto the fruit. The hourglass over the fruit reminds us we need to wait for fruit to grow – and we
need to grow the fruit of patience!

THINK ABOUT IT | Growing Patience
Patience doesn’t come easy for us. We live in a world where dinner can take 2 minutes in the microwave, we can google any questions we have, and we can find any movie or video on YouTube or Netflix. We rarely have to be patient so when the time comes, we really struggle!

Waiting teaches us to rely on God. It teaches us to be content. When we learn patience, God also gives us peace that helps us stay calm when we wait. Patience also produces more joy, because even though we don’t know what the answer will be or when it will come, we know God will work things out for our good.

Using your journal, write down 3 places you need to be patient. Was it hard or easy? Do you think you have a lot of patience, or do you need to grow in this? Next to each place – write “God, teach me patience.” We know that sometimes waiting is a part of God’s plan and we can trust that He will grow it in us!


Dear God,
Teach us to be patient as we trust You. We know that sometimes your plan involves us waiting, so we pray that we would grow this fruit as we become more like You.
In Jesus’ name,

We love learning about the Fruit of the Spirit with you, Grow Kids!

Hey Parents! Make sure you’re staying up to date with all things Grow Kids by clicking the “like” button on Facebook and joining in on GrowPoint’s Summer Bucket List!

Early Childhood | Week of June 28

Hey GrowKids! What is something you have had to wait for? It’s hard to wait for something that we really, really want! Today’s Fruit of the Spirit is Patience. Patience means to wait for something without getting angry or upset. That can be hard at times! In today’s story, we will learn about someone who waited 100 YEARS for something he really wanted!

Bible Story

  • What is the fourth fruit of the Spirit?
  • What did God promise Abraham?
  • How old was Abraham when his son was born?
  • Can you think of some times when you have to wait?
  • How can we learn to be more patient?


Pray this Prayer: Dear God, Give us the patience we need to wait on your blessings. In Jesus’ name, amen.



  • Give your child a piece of fruit or cookie. Have them place that food on their forehead. Tell them that they need to keep their snack balanced on their head for as long as you say. See how long the kids can hold on, keeping still and waiting until you say stop. When time is finally up, let them eat their snacks.


  • Supplies: Cardstock or Construction Paper, Crayons, Markers, or Colored Pencils to Decorate Card, Envelopes, Stamps
  • Instructions:
    • Fold cardstock or construction paper in half to make a card.
    • Invite your child to decorate the card so that they can mail it to a friend, grandparent, or other relative.
    • Put the card in an envelope, address it, put the stamp on, and take your child to the post office to mail the card.
    • Talk about how you will now wait for the friend, grandparent, or relative to write back. You can talk about how they have to be patient because mail can take a while to receive.


Snack Time: COOKIES

  • Bake cookies with your child.
  • Allow them to help you mix the ingredients, roll them up and place them on the baking sheet.
  • Talk about how it takes several minutes for them to bake. If we eat them before they’re baked, they’re not as good, we could even get sick! If we WAIT until they’re baked (and cooled), they’re the most delicious!

Connect with Us!

Keep marking off your Bucket List items and having your mom or dad post on social media for extra points! We will see you this week for ice cream!

Early Childhood | Week of June 21

Hey GrowKids! Happy Fathers Day! Be sure to wish your dad, grandpa, uncle, and special guy in your life, a Happy Father’s Day today! Tell him 3 things you love about him, that make him special to you, and your favorite thing to do together.

We hope you’re having an awesome time with your Bucket List! We love seeing your posts on social media – keep them coming! Today’s lesson is about the 3rd Fruit of the Spirit, which is PEACE. Peace is not only for us, but for us to share with others!

Bible Story

  • What is the third fruit of the Spirit?
  • What did Nabal do to insult David?
  • How did Abigail bring peace?
  • What are some things we can do to be peacemakers?
  • Is there someone you need to make peace with this week?


Pray this Prayer: Dear God, make us peacemakers this week Fill us with peace so we can bring peace to others. In Jesus’ name, amen.



  • Have the kids cut out and color a piece of paper in the shape of an orange. Draw the segments of the orange, and have the kids cut the orange in half. Write “peace” on both halves of the orange. Tell the kids to share the other half with a friend or family member with whom they need to make peace.


  • Materials needed: smallest brown lunch sack, a plastic baggie, 5″ x 7″ tan construction paper, 9″ x 12″ white construction paper, 5″ x 7″ gray construction paper, scraps of yellow, black, and brown paper, marker, scissors
  • Instructions:
    • Cut large round oval out of tan paper. This is the bread.
    • Write “200 loaves of bread” on tan oval.
    • Cut out the shape of a bottle or container on gray paper. This is the wine or grape juice.
    • Write “wine” or “grape juice” on bottle.
    • Draw five sheep on white paper. 
    • Write “sheep” and an “x” for the sheep’s eye and cut out the sheep
    • Hand out small plastic bag or baggie.
    • Cut several small yellow circles. This is the parched corn.
    • Place corn in plastic bag.
    • Cut small circles on black paper. These are raisins.
    • Place raisins in plastic bag.
    • Hand out brown scraps.
    • Cut 2″ circles. These are figs.
    • Write “fig” on brown paper.
    • Place figs in plastic bag.
    • Write “Abigail’s Gift to King David” and “1 Samuel 25” on brown bag.
    • Place all items in paper bag


Snack Time: ORANGE

  • Enjoy an orange together. As you peel and cut slices, talk about how you can share “peace” with others, just like you share pieces of your orange.
  • Talk about what it means to share peace with others.

Connect with Us!

This Sunday, June 21st at 6pm, come on out to GrowPoint for an exciting outdoor gathering with our church family. There will be fun for the family to enjoy and a special treat! 🙂 We can’t wait to see you!

Elementary | Week of June 21

Welcome to Grow Kids Online! Happy Father’s Day to all the dad’s of GrowKids – we love you!
We are continuing to learn the Fruits of the Spirit and this week’s Focus Fruit is PEACE!

DISCUSSION : Abigail Creates Peace
Read : 1 Samuel 25:1-35

  • Why was David so offended by Nabal?
  • How did Abigail bring peace between David and her husband?
  • Why is it important to be peacemakers?
  • What are some things we can do to be peacemakers?
  • Is there someone you need to make peace with this week?


MEMORY VERSE | Memory Verse Puzzle
INSTRUCTIONS: Write the memory verse on a piece of paper. Cut the paper into at least ten pieces (to make it more difficult, cut your paper in puzzle-piece shape pieces!). Mix up the pieces. Start a timer and see how fast you are able to piece together your memory verse puzzle!
(Watch the Memory Verse video to learn the motions to our verse, Galatians 5:22-23)

CREATE | Piece of Peace
INSTRUCTIONS: Cut out and color a piece of paper in the shape of an orange. Draw the segments of the orange, and cut the orange in half. Write “peace” on both halves of the orange. Share the other half with a friend or family member with someone you need to make peace with. Remember, God wants us to be peacemakers, making things right.
If you are growing in Jesus, rooted in the Word of God and covered with prayer, God will fill your heart with peace. You will have peace when you need it, and you will have peace to share with others.

THINK ABOUT IT | You are a Peacemaker
Abigail was a peacemaker. She did not panic in the face of danger. She saw a problem, she took action, and she made peace with the king. Abigail calmed the tempers of the angry warriors and was able to spare her entire household. When we are following Jesus, we will make peace just as Abigail did. We will strive to live at peace with everyone, and we will bring peace to those who need it most. The Fruit of Peace isn’t just a fruit for our own benefit. It’s a fruit meant to be shared. When the Fruit of the Spirit grows in our hearts, we will become peacemakers too.
Being peacemakers means that like Abigail, if someone is upset with us, we try to make things right. We apologize when we are wrong. We pay back what we owe others. We seek friendship and reconciliation, and we build bridges with others. If you are growing in Jesus, rooted in the Word of God and covered with prayer, God will fill your heart with peace. You will have peace when you need it, and you will have peace to share with others.

Using your journal, write down 5 places or people where you need God to give you peace. Think about school, your friends, sports or siblings. Where can God use you to be a peacemaker?


Dear God,
Fill us with peace so we can bring peace to others. We want to be peacemakers in this world.
In Jesus’ name,

We love learning about the Fruit of the Spirit with you, Grow Kids!

Hey Parents! Make sure you’re staying up to date with all things Grow Kids by clicking the “like” button on Facebook and joining in on GrowPoint’s Summer Bucket List!

Faith In Action

Question 1: How has your life been “born-again or renewed” since you put your faith in Jesus Christ.

Question 2: How should we live if we truly have faith in Jesus?

Early Childhood | Week of June 14

Hey GrowKids! We loved seeing you on Sunday night as you picked up your Buckets and hung out for a bit. Your smiling faces bring us so much JOY! Which brings us to this week’s Fruit of the Spirit – JOY! When I think of joy, I think of that warm fuzzy feeling when you just can’t help but smile. What brings YOU joy?

Bible Story

  • What is the second fruit of the Spirit?
  • What did Jesus do in front of his disciples in this story?
  • Why did the disciples have joy?
  • What makes joy different from happiness?
  • How can we have joy in our hearts?


Pray this Prayer: Dear God, fill our hearts with everlasting JOY! In Jesus’ name, amen.



  • Have the kids cut out some fruit shapes from construction paper and glue them onto another paper in the shape of a cross.
  • Let it be a reminder that the Fruit of Joy comes from knowing Jesus died for us.


  • Use Fruit Loops to spell out the word JOY and glue them on paper.
  • Talk about how we experience joy from knowing we can have life forever with Jesus in Heaven.


  • You will need:
    • Blue cups or cups covered with blue construction paper (or possibly painted)
    • Cotton balls and glue
    • Ribbon, yarn or thin strip of white tulle or whatever you have on hand
    • Jesus paper figurine
  • Start by letting your kids play with the cotton balls and gently pull them apart to make fluffy clouds.
  • Next let them spread glue on their cups.
  • Poke a hole through the top of your cup.  Depending on your children’s ages, this might be a parent job.
  • Thread the tulle/ribbon/yarn through the hole-punch and then poke it through the hole in the cup. 
  • The idea is that you can pull the string and ‘lift’ the Jesus figurine up into the clouds.  Let them play and dramatize the story for you over and over and over again! Click here to view a sample of this craft.



  • Mini marshmallows, teddy grahams or gummy bears, and crackers
  • On a plate, place marshmallows at the top, as clouds, crackers lined up at the bottom as the ground, and the teddy graham or gummy bear representing Jesus ascending into the “clouds”
  • Check it out here

Connect with Us!

Keep posting your pictures and tagging GrowPoint on social media. We love seeing what you are doing and how you are enjoying your summer!

Elementary | Week of June 14

Welcome to Grow Kids Online! We are continuing to learn the Fruits of the Spirit and this week’s Focus Fruit is JOY!

DISCUSSION : The Ascension
Read : Luke 24:50-53

  • What happened when Jesus returned to Heaven?
  • What makes joy different from happiness?
  • How does knowing Jesus give us joy?
  • How can we have joy in our hearts?
  • Does anyone wish to receive Jesus as their Savior this morning so they can also have joy? If yes, go tell your parent and pray with them to invite Jesus into your heart!


MEMORY VERSE | Memory Verse Relay
INSTRUCTIONS: Write the Fruit of the Spirit along the edge of plastic cups, one per cup. Mix up the cups up and then time yourself to see how fast you are able to put the fruits in the correct order of the memory verse! (Use the Memory Verse video to help you learn Galatians 5:22-23)

CREATE | Fruit Cross
INSTRUCTIONS: Cut out some fruit shapes from construction paper and glue them onto another paper in the shape of a cross. Let it be a reminder that the Fruit of Joy comes from knowing Jesus died for us.

THINK ABOUT IT | Lasting Joy
Knowing the difference between joy and happiness can make a huge difference in our lives. Joy does more than put a smile on our face. It gives us contentment. When we have joy, we realize we don’t need money or things to be happy. We know that we have a treasure in Jesus that is so much more than we could ever deserve. We know that we are promised Heaven and a place where we can live forever with Jesus.
Joy is a Fruit of the Spirit because it grows in our hearts. The more we take root in Jesus, the more joy we will produce. We will have joy in all circumstances, and God will make us a witness to others, showing them the kind of joy he gives to those who trust him.

INSTRUCTIONS: Use a journal and write down things that make you happy. (Ex. Oreos, soccer, ice cream, summer) Look at the list and then put a check mark next to the things that will eventually run out, you may find that everything on your list comes to an end. But that’s where Jesus comes in! The joy that He gives us lasts forever with Him! Write Jesus in big, bold letters at the top or bottom of your list, knowing that Jesus is true joy!


Dear God,
Thank you for giving us Jesus so that we can have joy. We invite Jesus into our hearts because we know nothing in this world is as good as His great love for us. We pray that as we learn about Jesus, the more we will be like Him!
In Jesus’ name,

We love learning about the Fruit of the Spirit with you, Grow Kids!

Hey Parents! Make sure you’re staying up to date with all things Grow Kids by clicking the “like” button on Facebook and joining in on GrowPoint’s Summer Bucket List!

Host Teams Invitation

Click the video above for a message from Pastor Todd Rainey

GrowPoint’s Host Team (formerly known as Frontline) is having a scheduled Zoom Meeting to discuss all the needed adjustments for volunteering at GrowPoint’s onsite Sunday morning services beginning July 12, 2020.  There are two time slots to choose from.

Host Teams – Volunteering at GrowPoint’s Onsite Sunday Services
Time: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 10:00 AM (US Eastern Standard Time)Time: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 06:30 PM (US Eastern Standard Time)

Join the Zoom Meeting by clicking the appropriate link.

  • You can also join by dialing 1-929-205-6099 on your phone (US Eastern Standard Time) and following the prompts.