Boast About It!

Introductory thought:  Let us set personal opinions aside and pray for those in authority.

Question 1:  Read James 1:9-12. Pastor Josh said that James, the writer of this Book, is giving some imagery on a contrast of lifestyles. The person in humble circumstances as well as the wealthy person alike is to boast. From our natural perspective we tend to boast about where we are at the time. The person in humble circumstances may tout about his/her demise, and the rich person may brag about their wealth. But James writes the reverse: “The brother of humble circumstances should boast in his exaltation, but the one who is rich should boast in his humiliation…” (vs. 9-10). Think of a time when you experienced “humble circumstances.” This could be from a job loss/change, a loss of a friend due to a variety of reasons (moving away, an argument, or even death), or a physical change in your health. During that season, about what did you find yourself boasting?

Question 2: In Jeremiah 9:23-24, we read, “The wise man must not boast in his wisdom; the strong man must not boast in his strength; the wealthy man must not boast in his wealth. But the one who boasts should boast in this, that he understands and knows Me – that I am Yahweh, showing faithful love, justice, and righteousness on the earth…” Pastor Josh encouraged us to boast about God by declaring the truth of who God is. Do you know God? No matter your circumstance, do you see His faithfulness to you?

Question 3: James was writing to people who were entering a season they had never experienced before. Pasto Josh commented that we are going to have noise all around us. He added, “But God is faithful” at all times, even during times outside of comfort and ease. Recognize how faithful and righteous God is. Be mindful to boast about Him. In what area of your life can you not help but boast about God?

Wrap-Up Thought:  God is always faithful. He is the Helper. He is the One watching over us.

Early Childhood | Week of April 26

Hey Grow Kids! This is our last Sunday in April – what an exciting month it has been! Check out the Intro Video for a quick recap on what we have been learning this month.

Bible Story

  • What was the name of the town where the two men were walking? (Emmaus – about 7 miles outside of Jerusalem)
  • The two men were not allowed to recognize Jesus so they thought they were talking to a stranger.
  • After they invited the stranger (who was actually Jesus) to their home to stay for the night, what did Jesus do that made the men realize that he was actually Jesus? (He broke bread and blessed it)
  • Even though Jesus disappeared once they realized who He was, we know that Jesus is always with me!


Pray this Prayer: Ask the kids to march/walk in place as you pray. Dear God, thank You for coming to walk among us. As we go through our week, help us to remember You are always with us. Continue marching/walking in place and say the BIG IDEA together: Jesus is always with me!



  • Using masking tape or painters tape, mark a path around the room. Be sure to include curvy areas as well as straight lines. Make some dotted lines for kids to jump or hop on. Encourage the kids to follow the marked path while you play music.


  • Prepare cards with a different animal on each card. Take turns drawing a card and then act like that animal while the other person tries to guess which animal they are portraying.
  • In today’s story, two disciples were walking along and someone joined them, but just like we had a hard time knowing what each animal was, they had a hard time knowing who had joined them.
  • Toddler Hack: Pull out a card and act out the animal. Once they what the animal is, have them pretend to be that animal.


  • Have your child find a stick from outside. You could also use something you may have around the house that you wouldn’t mind getting decorated, i.e. a meter stick, a dowel rod, etc.
  • Provide materials for decorating the sticks: Washi tape, electrical tape, paint, stickers, markers, etc.
  • Cleopas (one of the men from today’s story) probably had a walking stick while he was walking to Emmaus. I can imagine that whenever he used that stick again, he would remember Jesus walking and talking with them.
  • Let’s make our own walking sticks. Whenever you use your walking stick, you can remember, “Jesus is always with me.”


  • Help your child call a friend or use video chat. Note: “Facebook Messenger Kids” is a great option to utilize during this time and has parental controls which allow you to pick and choose who your child can communicate with.
  • Have kids pretend they are the friends remembering what happened on the road to Emmaus. Remember the story by telling each other about meeting the stranger and what happened next. Think about these questions as you tell the story:
  • What were you talking about?
  • What did the stranger ask you?
  • How did you feel while you were talking to the stranger?
  • What did you do when you got to Emmaus?
  • What was the big surprise?
  • How did that make you feel?


  • Write the following questions on craft sticks and place them inside a can. Take turns pulling out a stick and reading the question.
  • Have you ever been sad?
  • What do you do when you are sad?
  • What kinds of things make you feel better when you are sad?
  • How can Jesus make you feel better?
  • The two friends learned Jesus was still by their side, even when they thought he was gone. What can we remember from this story?
  • Jesus is always with me!

Snack Time


  • Let’s go for a walk and a picnic. Don’t forget your walking stick! 🙂 Pack individual snacks in small, paper bags. Trail mix is a good option as today’s story happens while the disciples are walking along the road. Let the kids know you have a snack for them, or let them carry it as you walk, but without peeking to see what’s inside the bag.
  • Once you reach your picnic area, you can allow your child to look inside the bag to see their snack! It was there all along, but you didn’t know what it was, just like when the two friends didn’t know they were walking and talking with Jesus.

Connect with Us!


“Like” us on Facebook for daily resources and to stay connected as a community! We want to “see” you and your kids and what you’re up to! Be sure to tag “Grow Kids” in your photos of this week’s lesson!

Elementary | Week of April 26

Welcome to Grow Kids Online! Let’s dive into God’s Word together this morning so we can grow in every way!

Read : Luke 24:13-35

  • In today’s Bible story, who came up to the two men as they were walking? Did they recognize this person?
  • What did they talk about as they walked to Emmaus?
  • When did they realize they were with Jesus?
  • Read Luke 24:31. How do you think they felt when they suddenly realized they were with
  • Jesus the whole time?
  • Describe a time when you felt lonely even though there were other people around you.
  • How do you feel knowing Jesus is always with you?
  • Why do you think Jesus is always with us?


GAME | Hot or Cold
INSTRUCTIONS: You will need a parent/sibling to make this one fun!
Ask your sibling/child to leave the room. Have the parent hide/move an object already in the room somewhere else. Ask your kid to come back into the room when ready and begin to look for the hidden item. As they move throughout the room, tell them if they are getting colder (moving away from the object) or warmer (getting closer to the object). Play multiple rounds!

When you spend a lot of time with someone, you get to know them very well. Well, it makes sense, then, that Jesus knows everything about us because Jesus is always with us! And even though we can’t see Jesus, we don’t have to worry He’s too far away. He gives us siblings and parents to help lead us to Him and show us the way.

QUESTION | Things That Exist, Even Though You Can’t See Them
ASK: What are some things you haven’t seen or can’t see, but you know exist? (e.g., another country, other planets in space, animals who live deep in the ocean, etc.) The list is endless. Even though you can’t see these things, how do you know they exist? You can read about them, or listen to others who have seen them.
INSTRUCTIONS: Make a list of things that you know exist that you can’t see and write next to the item, how you know they are real. Make sure you put Jesus on the list, think about how you know that He is real, even though we can’t see Him with our own two eyes.

Jesus never leaves us. You can talk to Jesus anytime, anywhere. He shows us His love by making the sunshine and making our heart beat. He teaches us through the Bible, our church teachers and our parents.
Jesus is always with you.

INSTRUCTIONS: Using a piece of paper and several colored pencils or markers, draw or write about times when you really need to know Jesus is with you. Maybe it’s at a particular place, or when you’re feeling a certain emotion. As you draw/write these things, remind yourself Jesus is indeed there with you at those times!


Jesus, thank You so much for reminding us each and every day that You are always with us
and will never leave us. In Jesus name, Amen

We love learning about Jesus with you, Grow Kids! We love you and we can’t wait to see you again soon!
Use social media to stay connected – share your discussion conversations, completed crafts or coloring sheets, or snap a pic of your family dancing to this month’s worship song and tag Grow Kids!

Pick A Name

Introductory thought: “For if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, He will bring your mortal bodies to life” (Romans 8:11).

Question 1:  Pastor Josh shared a little about James, Jesus’ younger brother and the writer of the Book of James. James was more advanced in years when he wrote this book. He spoke from experience and provided perspective as a mentor to his readers. Do you have someone in your life who offers perspective from experience? How has that person helped you? If possible, express your gratitude to him/her.

Question 2: Read James 1:5-8. In verse 5, we read about lacking wisdom. Pastor Josh defined wisdom as the ability to apply what you know to your life. Knowledge (Knowing) and wisdom (applying) are not equivalents. Name something about which you may know (for example, music, filing taxes, sports, etc). Now think of something where you have had to apply what you know (for example performing in a music concert, helping people complete their taxes, competing in sports, etc).

Question 3: Pastor Josh quoted Proverbs 9:10 where Solomon wrote, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…” And Pastor Josh continued by saying that the fear of the Lord starts with humility. The fear of the Lord cannot stand alongside arrogance. How has this season of your life humbled you? Pastor Josh encouraged us to spend time with God and to learn who God is. We must go to God with our lack/requests. When you go to God, what will you ask of Him? It is okay to request other things in addition to wisdom.

Question 4: While describing doubt in context of James 1:6 (“for he who doubts is like a wave on the sea driven and tossed by the wind”), Pastor Josh displayed a brief video of turbulent waves crashing on Lake Erie. He then stated, “The wind of the world moves us to chaos.” What wind are you allowing to move you?

Question 5: Pastor Josh talked about several attributes/activities of God. God is named: (1) Mighty & Strong, (2) Faithful, (3) Redeemer, (4) Provider, (5) Healer, (6) Peace, (7) Shepherd, and (8) He Is There. Which of these names resonates with you during these days? Why?

Wrap-Up Thought:  Don’t lose sight of what is important; be eager to spend time with God.

Early Childhood | Week of April 19

Hey Grow Kids! We hope you had a great Easter with your family!

This month, we have talked about how Jesus trusted God, even when He had a really big and scary choice to make. Then last Sunday, we learned about the Easter story and why we celebrate Easter – because Jesus died on the cross and then JESUS BEAT DEATH…but that’s not where the story ends! Today, we will learn what happened next.

Bible Story

  • What did Jesus say BOTH times He appeared before the Disciples? (Peace be with you)
  • How do you think the Disciples felt when they saw Jesus? (They were happy!) Can you show me your happy face?
  • Who was missing when Jesus appeared the first time? (Thomas)
  • What did Thomas want to see so that he would believe that Jesus really beat death? (His hands where the nails had been)
  • Jesus helped Thomas believe!


Use 7 sheets of paper, write each letter of the word “believe” to teach the kids how to spell it.

Pray this Prayer: Jesus, thank You for loving me. Help me to B-E-L-I-E-V-E.



  • Prepare a “mystery box” — a box with a space that your child can reach into but cannot see what is inside. A tissue box works great. Place an item inside that might be identified by feel. Let your child(ren) reach inside the box and try to identify the item.


  • Play a game based on the classic, Duck, Duck, Goose. Ask the kids to sit in a circle and choose one kid to be “it.” “It” walks around the outside of the circle tapping each kid gently on the head or shoulder while saying, “Thomas” for each kid. When ready, “it” chooses one kid and says, “Jesus!” The chosen kid chases “it” around the circle, trying to tag “it” until they get back to their seat. If “it” is tagged, that kid sits in the center of the circle until someone else is tagged. If not, “it” takes the place of Jesus in the circle and the chosen kid becomes “it.” Continue to play until everyone has had a turn.


  • Print out this week’s printable with images of eyes, ears, a mouth, a nose, and a hand. Hold up each image as you talk about it. You can have kids point to each body part, too.
  • We learn about the world around us using our senses. Our sense are what our eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and hands do!
  • What do we use our eyes for? Can you name some things you can see?
  • What do we use our ears for? Can you name some things you can hear?
  • What do we use our mouth for? Can you name some things can you taste?
  • What do we use our nose for? Can you name some things you can smell?
  • What do we use our hands for? Can you name some things can you touch?
  • The disciples were able to use their eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and hands to know Jesus was there. But Thomas was not there.
  • When Thomas saw Jesus and was able to use his senses to know Jesus was there, he believed! And then Thomas went and told as many people as he could about Jesus! Jesus helped Thomas believe!

Snack Time


  • Prepare “hamburger cookies.” Place a peppermint patty or chocolate covered cookie between two vanilla wafers. For added effect, add green dyed coconut to resemble lettuce and/or red and yellow frosting to resemble ketchup and mustard. Arrange on a tray and cover with a napkin or cloth so the cookies are not visible.
  • We are having a different kind of snack today! Hamburgers! Do you believe me?
  • Look! These look like hamburgers, but they are really cookies! Let’s eat our “hamburgers” while we remember Thomas needed to see Jesus with his own eyes before he believed, too.

Connect with Us!

Be sure to send us photos of your family enjoying this week’s lesson and videos. Make sure to “like” our Facebook page for daily resources and activities.

Elementary | Week of April 19

Welcome to Grow Kids Online! Let’s dive into God’s Word together this morning so we can grow in every way!


  • When Jesus appeared to the disciples after being in the tomb, who was missing?
  • How did this disciple react when the other disciples told him about Jesus?
  • Who helped him believe? How?
  • Read Hebrews 11:1. What do we need to believe the things we cannot see?
  • How do you think you would have reacted if you were Thomas?
  • Are there things about God or the Bible you don’t really understand? What are they?
  • What can you do when you have questions or you’re unsure of something?


Blindfolded Obstacles:
INSTRUCTIONS: Create a simple obstacle course in your living room. You can use chairs (to walk around/crawl under), blankets (to jump to), pillows (to dodge), or whatever you have. Make it fun!
Put blindfolds on the your kids and you (the parent) will be the leader and will have to lead your child through the obstacle course by telling them what to do using only words. Once they are through the course, switch roles!
When you were the follower, why did you have to listen carefully to the leader?
When you were the leader, was it easy or difficult to guide them using only your words?

Sometimes it’s difficult to trust when we can not see, but we know that we can trust God because Jesus helps me believe!

List It Out:
Sometimes, it can be hard to think of all the people we can talk to when we have doubt or even just questions. Let’s think of some people together!
INSTRUCTIONS: Use a piece of paper or dry erase board for the kids to write the lists on.
ASK: Think about when you have doubt. Who is someone you can go to when you have doubt?

There are a lot of people we can all go to when we need encouragement, have questions, or experience doubt. Jesus helps us to believe by surrounding each of us with other people we can turn to.


Jesus, thank You for reminding us that even when we doubt or have questions, that doesn’t change how much You love each of us. Thank You for surrounding us with others who pray for us and encourage us. Help us to grow our faith and believe in You. In Your Name, Amen.

We love learning about Jesus with you, Grow Kids! We love you and we can’t wait to see you again soon!
Use social media to stay connected – share your discussion conversations, completed crafts or coloring sheets, or snap a pic of your family dancing to this month’s worship song and tag Grow Kids!

Easter 2020

Introductory thoughts: Happy Easter! “The resurrected King is resurrecting me!”

Question 1: Read Luke 24:1-12. The tomb is empty! Pastor Josh talked about how little mention of the tomb in the Bible redirects our focus from death to life. He said that we tend to fix our minds on what is dead rather than life. Throughout this season of being self-isolated, identify things which seem to be dead because of it. Now, redirect your focus and consider what new things have come to life through this experience.

Question 2: Pastor Josh emphasized that through Jesus’ death and resurrection, there is forgiveness of sin and a lot to die to (for example, die to pride, die to shame, etc). In the same moment we die to self, we receive forgiveness, constant peace, eternal hope, and life. What an awesome exchange! Think about your personal relationship with Christ, and list a few things which you had to let go (or die to). In releasing these to God, which element(s) of forgiveness, peace, hope, and /or life have you received because of it?

Question 3: In light of what all God has done for you, write a Thank You note to Him. If comfortable, share your note with a trusted friend. You are welcome and encouraged to also share your note by clicking the “Respond to the Message” button above. 

Wrap-Up Thought:  Let us bring all our focus on life we have in Him.

Early Childhood | Week of April 12

Happy Easter Grow Kids! What are some things that you think about when you think about Easter? One of the first things that come to mind is probably Easter eggs. Maybe you’ve hunted for Easter eggs around your house already this weekend. Maybe you’ve gotten some with prizes inside of them! It’s fun to get little surprises and treats, isn’t it?

Today, we are celebrating Easter! Easter is an incredibly exciting day. It’s not about candy, or Easter baskets, or bunnies, although all those things are great. Easter is about Jesus! The exciting thing about Easter is Jesus beat death! This is why we celebrate Easter!

Bible Story

  • Who went to the tomb where Jesus had been buried? (Mary & Mary)
  • What did they find when they got there? (The tomb had been rolled away)
  • What was the good news they ran to tell the disciples? Jesus beat death! Jesus is alive! This is why we celebrate Easter. We celebrate Easter because Jesus is alive!


Pray this Prayer: Thank You, God, for sending Jesus to Earth to beat death. Thank You for loving us.



  • Have kids compete (or parents compete with your kids)
  • Each person gets a spoon and a plastic egg (or real egg if you want to be risky). Use tape to mark a start line and a finish line. When you say “GO”, balance the egg on your spoon and race to the finish line.


  • Fill plastic eggs with pictures provided, or materials, including “Jesus” in one of the eggs. *If you have multiple children, provide one Jesus egg per child so each can find Jesus. Hide them in the yard or around the house for your child(ren) to find.
  • Let’s have a different kind of Easter Egg Hunt! Look around the room (or yard) to find Easter eggs, but you only want to keep an egg that has Jesus in it.
  • Mary and Mary Magdalene went to the tomb to find Jesus, but Jesus was not there. Who did they see instead?
    What did the angel tell them?
  • How do you think they felt when they heard the news?
  • Who did they go to tell the good news?
  • Let’s shout out the good news. Jesus beat death!


  • Use a poster board or a piece of paper and write “Jesus Beat Death!”. As the kids decorate the poster with stamps, stickers, crayons, etc. discuss the lesson
  • Easter is about celebrating that Jesus beat death. How does this remind you of the real reason of Easter?
  • What new thing can you do on this holiday to help you remember Jesus beat death?
  • As you decorate, let’s remember the real reason for Easter.

Activity: MEMORY VERSE (Hebrews 12:2)

  • Write the words (or pictures that represent the words) to the memory verse on slips of paper and put each word in a plastic egg. Invite the kids to open the eggs and work together to put the words in the correct order to make the memory verse. Say the verse together several times.

Activity: STONE ROLL

  • Use a brown paper bag or brown construction paper. Lay the crumpled brown lunch bag or paper on its side to resemble a tomb (To make it sturdier, try folding the bag inside out). Crumple up smaller pieces of brown paper to resemble the stone. Have kids take turns trying to roll the “stone” into the “tomb.”
  • The stone in front of Jesus’ tomb was rolled away because Jesus came back to life! Jesus beat death!

Snack Time


This would be a good time to share a traditional Easter snack, or maybe some Easter cupcakes. While eating, encourage the kids to share their favorite family Easter or Springtime traditions.

Connect with Us!

Be sure to send us photos of your children enjoying this week’s lesson and videos. We would LOVE to see their faces and hear from you!

Elementary | Week of April 12

Happy Easter, Grow Kids! Today we celebrate that Jesus beat death and the amazing love He has for us!

To start our lesson today – grab all the pillows and blankets in the room you are in and build a fort! Do your Grow Kids lesson today from inside your fort, and at the end – jump out of your fort and yell “Jesus beat death!” Just like your fort will be empty, so was Jesus’s tomb!


  • What did the women discover when they went to Jesus’ tomb?
  • What did the angel tell the women?
  • How did they react to the news Jesus was alive?
  • Read John 3:16-17 again. If you believe in Jesus, what does this verse promise us?
  • What are some ways we usually celebrate Easter?
  • What can we do to make Easter about Jesus more than anything else?


Easter Story Eggs:
Grab some empty plastic Easter eggs (Snack-size plastic baggies will work as well) and an Easter Basket. Look around your house for these small items and place them into the Easter eggs. Each egg will hold a little treasure that tells the story of Holy Week/Easter.

  • Small leaf: Jesus enters Jerusalem and the people waved palm branches
    • Either find a leaf outside or cut one out using green paper
  • A cracker: The Last Supper
    • Any cracker will work, but oyster crackers will fit best
  • Olives: Jesus prays at Gethsemane
    • Place it into a Ziplock baggie first!
  • Three pieces of dimes: Judas betrays Jesus for silver
  • Three nails: Jesus is nailed to the cross
  • Cross: Jesus dies
    • You can use two popsicle sticks, cut one out using paper or be creative and make your own!
  • Stone: A stone covers the tomb for 3 days
  • Leave one empty: Jesus is risen! The tomb is empty!

    Looking at your full Easter Basket, you now have the story of Easter! You can leave your basket out as a decoration every year to remember why we truly celebrate Easter: Because Jesus beat death!

Draw the Story:
God didn’t have to send Jesus, but that is how much God loves you. Jesus beat death so our sins could be forgiven. And now that we are forgiven, we can have a relationship with God and one day be with God in heaven!
Now that we all know the real reason we celebrate Easter, who can you share the story of Easter with?

Grab some sidewalk chalk or markers and crayons and write or draw the story of Easter.
Ask: Could someone get the main truths of Easter from looking at your artwork?


Let’s take a moment to thank God for sending Jesus.

God, thank You for sending Jesus to Earth to beat death and to forgive me. Thank You for loving us that much! We love You.

We love celebrating Easter with you, Grow Kids! We love you and we can’t wait to see you again soon!
Use social media to stay connected – share your discussion conversations, completed crafts or coloring sheets, or snap a pic of your family dancing to this month’s worship song and tag Grow Kids!

Palm Sunday

Introductory thought: “Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; for the LORD is my strength and song.” (Isaiah 12:2)

Question 1:  Pastor Josh talked about how Jesus’ triumphal entry (Palm Sunday) was near the time of Passover. At that time, the Passover festival celebrated how God set His people free from the Egyptians. From what has God set you free? In what way has He preserved your life? It’s time to celebrate!

Question 2: Pastor Josh said that Psalm 118 was a song sung at Passover time. Read Psalm 118 (note that there are 29 verses) and find three things that encourage your faith from this passage. Write them down and meditate on these throughout the week. 

For example, here are three:

  1. His mercy endures forever. (vs.4)
  2. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (vs. 8)
  3. Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! (vs. 29)

Question 3: Many people associate the word, Hosanna, with Palm Sunday. Hosanna means, “Save, please!” Jesus came to do a specific kind of saving work. Pastor Josh explained that the expectation held by the people in Jesus’ time was the One who would come would arrive in majesty with military presence in power, such as riding on a war horse. But Jesus demonstrated triumph in humility by riding on a donkey. This deconstructed all fabrications of how He would triumph. Has there been a time in your life when you were looking for victory in the typical man-made way, but your victory came through some form of humility? Is there something you currently are seeking God to “please save” you? Reread Psalm 118 and ask God for His help. He will save!

Question 4: Read John 12:12-19. In verse 16, we read that Jesus’ disciples did not understand these things at first. Pastor Josh expressed taking comfort in recognizing that even Jesus’ disciples didn’t know everything, yet they did what Jesus called them to do. It is okay to not have all the answers, especially during this time of uncertainty. What do you feel drawn to do for God? It is not necessary to have all the answers before responding to His calling.

Question 5: Pastor Josh noted three sets of people in the Palm Sunday event: Jesus Himself, His disciples, and His haters. In today’s context there are people who know Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him, there are those who have seen holy workings that only God can do (aka miracles) and are curious about life in Him, and there are those who have not yet recognized anything God has done in their lives. Which of these three best describes who you are on this Palm Sunday?

Question 6: Pastor Josh explained that without Jesus, we walk in a chronic state of brokenness. He then asked, “How does your life show that you are going after Jesus?” Consider ways that are seen as well as unseen.

Wrap-Up Thought: “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD!” (Psalm 118:26)