Elementary | Week of May 30, 2021

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
We are going to spend this month talking about the legacy that Jesus has left for us . . . which is the Holy Spirit!

DISCUSSION: Life in the Spirit
Read: Romans 8:12-17

  • What good news did Paul give the Romans?
  • How can we be children of God?
  • How do God’s children live?
  • Think about our memory verse this month. How do we know who God’s children are?
  • What is your favorite part about belonging to God’s family?
  • How can you show others you are part of God’s family?
  • How can you invite others into God’s family?


MEMORIZE IT | Slapstick Memory Verse
INSTRUCTIONS: Write on index cards some funny ways to say the memory verse. Draw a card, and say the verse without laughing while doing what the card says!

  • Say the verse with your tongue sticking out.
  • Plug your nose.
  • Stand on one leg.
  • Say the verse with your head touching your feet.

“For those who are led” Both arms out in front, motioning a winding road 
“by the Spirit” Left fully extended up
“of God” Right arm fully extended up 
“are the children” “Wrap left arm around self
“of God.” wrap left arm around self 
“Romans 8:14” open hands like book

DO IT |  Family Frame
INSTRUCTIONS: Make a cardboard frame and find a handful of steampunk decorations (e.g.,steampunk stickers, small craft gears, brads, feathers, etc.). Let kids decorate their frame by gluing on items around their frame. If possible, glue a photo of your family that fits the frame, or draw your family.
What has the Holy Spirit taught you about God’s family?
Everyone is welcome. Everyone is accepted. Everyone is loved. All of us are a part of God’s family because of the Holy Spirit.

READ IT | John 3:5-7
INSTRUCTIONS: Read John 3:5-7.
In this story, a guy named Nicodemus asked Jesus about being a part of God’s family.
Jesus answered Nicodemus and told him he needed to be born again. Now, we know Jesus doesn’t actually mean being born again like a baby.
What it means is when you become a follower of Jesus, you get a chance to start life over again because you are forgiven. Just like we talked about earlier, when we are part of a new family, we no longer have to follow the rules that we had. We can embrace the way our new family lives!


Dear God,
Thank you for making us a part ofyour family. No matter where we come from or where we have been, you give us the Holy Spirit. Thank you for the people in our lives whose legacy has been shared with us.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Hey Parents! Make sure you’re staying up to date with all things Grow Kids by clicking the “like” button on our Facebook page and following us on Instagram!

Early Childhood | Week of May 30, 2021

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
We are going to spend this month talking about the legacy that Jesus has left for us . . . which is the Holy Spirit!


INSTRUCTIONS: Read about Life in the Spirit found Romans 8:12-17.


SNACK | Family Meal  
Pick a snack to eat as a family and gather around the table to enjoy a “meal” as a family!
A special thing to do as a family is to share meals together. How many of you eat dinner with your family every night? Tonight we are going to have a snack and share a meal together!

DO IT | Families Forgive

INSTRUCTIONS: Go outside with chalk and trace the outline of your child on the sidewalk or pavement (if indoors, use pieces of painter’s tape). Encourage the kids to share with each other some bad choices they made recently. Get a water hose and spray away the chalk (or rip off the tape).
The Holy Spirit lets us know when we do something wrong and need to ask God to forgive us. Then God does! God washes away our sins like the water washed away the chalk (or we took out the tapefrom the floor).
God does this for us because we are in God’s family.The Holy Spirit makes us a part of God’s family


Dear God,
Thank you for the legacy you gave to us . . . the Holy Spirit. Thank you for making us a part of your family. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for showing us how to live like members of God’s family.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Early Childhood | Week of May 23, 2021

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
We are going to spend this month talking about the legacy that Jesus has left for us . . . which is the Holy Spirit!


INSTRUCTIONS: Read about how the Holy Spirit is for everyone: Acts 2:1-21.


SNACK | Colorful M&Ms 
Pass out bags of colorful M&Ms.
Just like all the many colors of M&Ms, there are many different cultures and languages spoken around the world!
It’s a good thing the Holy Spiritis for everyone!

DO IT | Letters of Service

INSTRUCTIONS: Cut a pool noodle into many donut shapes. Create a fun pool noodle boat. Cut out the pool noodle pieces, and make a boat with craft sticks, foam sheets, and stickers.
What did the Bible say the Holy Spirit was like?(A wind.)
What does a boat need in its sails to move on water?(Wind.)
Where can a boat go?(All over the world!)
Have bins of water the kids can put their boats on top of and a straw to create wind to steer the boat.
Let’s be brave and let other people know how much God loves them and tell them the Holy Spirit is for everyone.
Just like the wind guides your boat in the water, the Holy Spirit can guide us where to go and who to talk to.


Dear God,
We are so grateful that your love includes all of us. Thank you for choosing to give everyone your Holy Spirit.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Elementary | Week of May 23, 2021

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
We are going to spend this month talking about the legacy that Jesus has left for us . . . which is the Holy Spirit!

DISCUSSION: The Holy Spirit Appears at Pentecost
Read: Acts 2:1-21

  • Where were the disciples when the Holy Spirit appeared?
  • What happened when the peoplewere filled with the Holy Spirit?
  • What did people think about the disciples when they heard them speaking their own languages?
  • Re-read Psalm 139:7-10. Where is the Holy Spirit?
  • If you could learn to speak another language, what would it be?
  • How does knowing that the Holy Spirit is for everyone affect how you treat others?
  • What is one way the Holy Spirit can change you?


MEMORIZE IT | Memory Verse
Practice saying the memory verse out loud multiple times, when you feel confident, try saying the verse backwards!
“For those who are led” Both arms out in front, motioning a winding road 
“by the Spirit” Left fully extended up
“of God” Right arm fully extended up 
“are the children” “Wrap left arm around self
“of God.” wrap left arm around self 
“Romans 8:14” open hands like book

DO IT | Decoder Gadget

INSTRUCTIONS: Print off the Decoder printable, scissors, and a brad. Have them cut out the two circles, overlap them at the middle, and bind them together by poking the brad through the middle. Have kids rotate the circles and line up the letters in any position you want. The bigger circle is for the letters in the original text, and the smaller circle will be the code letters.
Write today’s Big Idea: The Holy Spirit is for everyone.
Then under it, write the message in code, using your new decoder. Once you line up the letters, keep it in that position for the whole code!

READ IT | Psalm 139:7-10

INSTRUCTIONS:Read Psalm 139:7-10 together.
Who is the spirit that is being talked about here?
This psalm reminds us that the Holy Spirit is everywhere –we can’t hide from the Holy Spirit.How does that make you feel?
Maybe it makes you feel a little afraid because you think God is just waiting around for you to make a mistake. But that’s not the case. The Holy Spirit is everywhere because God loves you and wants to be with you. And there’s no place that is out of reach for the Holy Spirit.
This is how we know that the Holy Spirit is for everyone.


Dear God, we are so grateful your love includes all of us. Thank you for giving us the Holy Spirit, so we’re never truly alone. Help us to be the ones who remind the world that the Holy Spirit is for everyone.

Hey Parents! Make sure you’re staying up to date with all things Grow Kids by clicking the “like” button on our Facebook page and following us on Instagram!

Elementary | Week of May 16, 2021

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
We are going to spend this month talking about the legacy that Jesus has left for us . . . which is the Holy Spirit!

DISCUSSION: A New Apostle is Chosen
Read: Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

  • Why did the disciples need to pick a new member for their team?
  • How did the disciples decide who to choose and what was his name?
  • Who helps us do God’s work?
  • According to I John 5:12-13, who can have eternal life?
  • How can you help a friend find Jesus?
  • What stops you from being coached by the Holy Spirit?
  • How can you allow Jesus to coach you?


MEMORIZE IT | Memory Verse
Write the memory verse on the whiteboard and erase one word at a time, say the verse out loud each time before erasing words, eventually you should have a blank white board and be able to say the whole verse together! 
“For those who are led” Both arms out in front, motioning a winding road 
“by the Spirit” Left fully extended up
“of God” Right arm fully extended up 
“are the children” “Wrap left arm around self
“of God.” wrap left arm around self 
“Romans 8:14” open hands like book

DO IT | Geared Up For God
INSTRUCTIONS: Print and use the Geared Up printable, pencils, scissors, and crayons or markers. Inside the first gear, write one thing they could do for God when they’re older. Inside the second gear, write one thing they could do for God this week. Color then cut out their gears. Tape or glue the gears onto an 11×17 piece of paper, making sure you interlock them with neighboring gears (like this). Think of 3-4 ideas for each category and write each of them down. Grab a piece of poster paper, and have them create their own arrangement of gears.

The Holy Spirit helps us do God’s work. Remember our activity from earlier when we predicted what you would do in the future? Those were all made up but the one thing that is not made up is that you can definitely work for God in amazing ways later on! Think about yourself in the future —if you knew you could do one thing for God when you grow up, what would you want to do?
Maybe you would . . .

  • Care for people who are sick.
  • Be a part of a group that helps orphans find families.
  • Become a teacher.
  • Take care of parks and other outdoor spaces.
  • Be a first responder.
  • Become a mom or a dad.
  • Help people who don’t have permanent homes.
  • Listen to people who are hurting Invent a solution for a big problem.

But wait –we don’t have to wait until the future to do God’s work. What is one thing you can do for God right now? The Holy Spirit gives us all our own unique gifts and abilities. To do something big for God, we don’t have to be a pastor or have the entire Bible memorized. We can all do God’s work in whatever we do, especially since the Holy Spirit helps us every step of the way!

READ IT | I John 5:9-13
INSTRUCTIONS: Read I John 5:9-13 (NIV).
One day, we get to live in Heaven forever because God gave us Jesus. These verses remind us we will live forever with Jesus and we should share this great news with everyone!
The word that keeps coming up in this Bible passage is the word “testimony.” A testimony is a true story about God, especially about what God has done for you. When you share your testimony with others, you are doing God’s work!


Dear God,
Help us to be brave so we can share the most important message in the world with others. Help us remember that because we have the Holy Spirit, we can do your work!
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Hey Parents! Make sure you’re staying up to date with all things Grow Kids by clicking the “like” button on our Facebook page and following us on Instagram!

Early Childhood | Week of May 16, 2021

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
We are going to spend this month talking about the legacy that Jesus has left for us . . . which is the Holy Spirit!


INSTRUCTIONS: Read about more people believing in Jesus: Acts 10:34-35.

EAT IT | Apples and Oranges

INSTRUCTION:Give each kid a small bowl of apple and orange slices. Ask kids to describe each –their color, shape, taste, texture, etc.
Apples and oranges are very different.What makes them different?
But you know what? Apples and oranges are also very similar. Can you think of ways they are the same?
The work everyone does for God looks very different. But because we are all doing it for God, we are on the same team!
And the best part is,the Holy Spirit helps us do God’s work!

DO IT | Letters of Service

As part of God’s team, we all have the chance to do God’s workwith the help of the Holy Spirit.
How will you do God’s work?
Let’s show our local heroes how much their service to the community means to us.
INSTRUCTIONS: Download the Community Helpers thank you coloring pages and notes from this site, or create your own cards. Help kids write their names and fill out the cards. Send out the group of letters together with a photo of the group.
Do you want to share the message of Jesus with someone this week?
What can you do this week to serve others?
Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help us do God’s work this week.


Dear God, help us to remember that because we have the Holy Spirit with us, we can do your work even if it seems hard to do.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.