Kids Summer Camp Registration 2022

Please follow all steps below to successfully register for camp.

⛺️ Step 1: Select Your Camp

⚠️ IMPORTANT: When you go to registration you will be registering as part of GrowPoint Church. PLEASE DO NOT CLICK the option “Register as individual instead” on the registration page as shown below.

Register for Kids Camp | Rising 3rd-6th Grade | July 11 – July 15 | Deadline: June 21

*Parents of rising 6th graders, please choose which camp you feel is age appropriate for your child to attend.

💳 Step 2: Use GrowPoint’s Discount Code

When registering for camp you will see the base cost of $215. Because of our Envelope Challenge Fundraiser, each student registering as part of GrowPoint Church, receives a $50 discount. Please use discount codeSUMMERCAMP50” (case sensitive) at checkout for $50 off your registration cost for a new total of $165.

FOR PRE-APPROVED CAMP ADULT LEADERS — Please choose “pay by check” as your payment option at checkout so that GrowPoint can cover the cost of your camp registration. Background checks will be required.

✏️ Step 3: Electronic Signature

Check your email immediately for an email from requiring your electronic signature to complete your camp registration. *Please note, until this is completed your child is not registered for camp.

📝 Step 4: Additional GrowPoint Parental/Transportation Waiver

GrowPoint requires a separate Parental/Guardian Consent & Liability Waiver/Hold Harmless Form for your child to attend camp with us. We realize some of this information is redundant, but is required for two separate releases of liability. Please fill out one waiver form per student at this link: Parental/Guardian Consent & Liability Waiver/Hold Harmless Form

Yay, you did it! 🎉 That was a lot of steps, but it will be worth it when your kids get home from camp!