Elementary | Week of December 27

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
This December we are learning about the Main Event, the birth of Jesus!

DISCUSSION: Simeon and Anna at the Temple
Read: Luke 2:25-38

  • What promise had Simeon been waiting for?
  • What did Anna do when she saw Jesus?
  • Why were Simeon and Anna so happy to see Jesus?
  • Read Luke 2:38. What do you think the “redemption of Jerusalem” means?
  • What are some promises you have made to your family or friends? Did you keep it?
  • Why do you think it’s important to keep the promises you make?
  • What promise did God fulfill to us by sending Jesus?

MEMORIZE IT | Memory Verse Popsicle Relay
INSTRUCTIONS: Write out one word of the memory verse on each popsicle stick. Mix them up and then stack the popsicle sticks in order on a table. You can also use Velcro or magnets and attach the sticks in order!
“My soul glorifies the Lord and my Spirit rejoices in God my Savior” Luke 1:46-47


MAKE IT | Promise Tree
INSTRUCTIONS: Paint a paper plate with green paint. While you wait for the paint to dry, look up some of God’s promises in their Bibles (from a list you can compile beforehand like this one).
Then, cut your paper plate into thirds and write out the Bible verses you need most on one of the triangles. That will be the top tier of your Christmas tree. Glue the other two triangles under the first one, but with the edges sticking out. Attach a craft stick to the bottom, and decorate with stickers, glitter, chalk markers, etc.
Did you know that a long time ago, people used to put evergreen trees that look like this in their homes during winter time to show their hope for spring to come?

When you at look your tree, you can remember that God keeps promises and show your hope for God to do just that!

PLAY IT | Ten-Second Draw
INSTRUCTIONS: Give yourself ten seconds to draw a picture of a tree, a sun, and a lake. Stop when the timer goes off.
How does it feel to imagine something, start creating it, but then having to stop and not finish?
Sometimes, this is how life can be if left up to us, but God knows how everything will turn out and when the promises God makes us will be answered! It’s our job to be patient and wait like Simeon and Anna!


God, help us to trust and celebrate You when we learn about Your promises to us. Sometimes, we may have a hard time seeing Your promises. We know You keep Your promises and we thank You for caring about us.
In Jesus’ name, amen!

Hey Parents! Make sure you’re staying up to date with all things Grow Kids by clicking the “like” button on our Facebook page and following us on Instagram!

Early Childhood | Week of December 27

Hi GrowKids! We hope you had an amazing Christmas with your family and got to enjoy the snow this weekend. As we finish out our series, Main Event, we will learn how we can celebrate because God keeps His promises!

Bible Story

SCRIPTURE | Luke 2:25-38

In Jerusalem, there was an old man named Simeon. Simeon was a good guy and he loved God. He had been waiting for God’s promise to Israel to come true. God had made a promise long ago that a Savior would be sent to Earth to save people from their sins.
Can anyone guess who the Savior was? Jesus! That’s right! Even though Jesus was just a baby, Jesus was the Savior Simeon had been waiting for.

One day, Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple. Simeon was there, too, and right away, Simeon recognized Jesus as the promised Savior! He just knew it! He even got to hold baby Jesus and then praised God!
There was a teacher of God, or what some people call a prophet, named Anna, who was always at the temple. She worshipped there day and night, praying for a long time, and sometimes without stopping to eat. She saw Mary, Joseph, and Jesus and gave thanks to God. She told everyone about how Jesus was going to grow up and save all the people!


Pray this Prayer: Dear God, thank You for never breaking Your promises to us. We get sad when people sometimes break their promises, but we know You never will! You kept Your promise to Simeon by sending Jesus. We celebrate you because You always keep promises!

Memory Verse

Memory Verse: LUKE 1:46-47 (NIV)

INSTRUCTIONS: Print two copies of the memory verse printable and cut out the presents along the dotted lines. Place the presents in a grid pattern with the side that is written on faced down.

Ask the kids to flip over the presents two at a time, until they find a match. Continue until every present has been matched. Place the two sets of memory verses in the correct order and read it aloud a few times with the kids.

Big Idea

THE BIG IDEA | We can celebrate because God keeps promises.

Remember our pinky tag game from earlier? What are you doing when you link your pinky finger with someone else’s pinky finger? Yes, you’re making a promise!
Sometimes we can’t be sure if someone will keep their promise. But I have good news! Do you know who always keeps their promises to us? God! That’s right!

Let’s give the biggest drumroll ever for our Big Idea today: We can celebrate because God keeps promises! Who always keeps their promises? God!



Let’s play a game that will teach us about waiting.

INSTRUCTIONS: Tell the kids they are going to get their snack, but they are going to have to wait. Using a stopwatch, tell the kids to sit and not make a sound for thirty seconds. Then, make it sixty seconds. Then, ninety seconds.

# TODDLER HACK: Have toddlers count to ten. Then have them count to ten again. Do this about three times. Ask, “How many of you like waiting?”

Ugh. . . waiting is super hard, isn’t it? Especially if you really, really want something! The people of God waited for many, many years for Jesus. But even though it took some time, God kept the promise to send the Savior!

Activity: WATCH FOR IT

Today, we heard a story about two people who waited and watched for Jesus’ arrival. When they finally saw Jesus, they were so excited! We’re going to play a game where we will have to watch carefully for our special surprise under our presents.
INSTRUCTIONS: Before the kids are ready, wrap three small boxes to look like presents, without the lids. Line up the boxes and place a small Christmas tree ornament beneath one of the boxes. Show the kids which box it is placed under and then move the boxes around, switching their positions, and ask the kids if they can find where the ornament is now.

Activity: PNKY TAG

INSTRUCTIONS: Encourage the kids to play a game of tag, but they need to pair up by linking their pinky fingers together (as if making a “pinky promise”), even the ones that are “it.” Play as long as time allows.

# TODDLER HACK: Have the younger kids roam around the room and link their pinky fingers with each other (like you would do high-fives). Make sure they get a chance to “pinky tag” everyone, including leaders.



INSTRUCTIONS: Give the kids each a few cookies. Tell them to stack the cookies to look like a temple. Remind them of the temple where Simeon and Anna got to see Jesus for the first time! As the kids eat their snack, ask them these review questions:
What was the man’s name in our story today?

What was the woman’s name?
Why were they so excited to see Jesus? Does God ever break promises made to us?

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

21 Days of Prayer + Fasting

Who’s excited and ready for 2021?! We will take everything we gained and learned from 2020 and move forward into the new year! As a way to enter the new year, with new focus, we are embarking on a 21-day journey starting January 1. We are going to increase our appetite for God’s presence during this time. Often we determine what we want to do, then we invite God to come along to bless our premeditated path. However, the purpose behind 21 days of prayer and fasting is to lean in and listen to God’s voice and direction for our year. 

The Foursquare Movement has prepared a specific prayer focus for each of the 21 days. The theme is “All things new.” The first week is focused on “All Things New in My Life.” Week two broadens the scope and our prayers move to “All Things New in My Church & Community.” The final week takes us further yet, and we will pray over “All Things New in My Global Community.”

You can find the Prayer + Fasting guide below as well additional information on foursquareprayer.org.

GrowPoint January Prayer Nights

GrowPoint is adding one more layer to the 21 days for prayer & fasting; we are encouraging you to block out January 6, 13, 20 and join in-person for collective prayer! These Wednesday night gatherings start at 7pm, and they will be aligned with Foursquare’s focus for that particular week. *Childcare will be unavailable for these gatherings, so start now with other arrangements, OR bring the whole family!

With a hefty measure of humble confidence, we encourage you to start this year craving and longing for God’s presence and to hear Him speak over 2021! We want to posture ourselves with a hungry heart, and a humble mind, with confidence and anticipation that God will answer! GrowPoint, let’s start this year right, and let’s start it right, together!

Wednesday Night Dates & Times
  • Wednesday, January 6 at 7pm at GrowPoint Church
  • Wednesday, January 13 at 7pm at GrowPoint Church
  • Wednesday, January 20 at 7pm at GrowPoint Church

Early Childhood | Week of December 20

Hi GrowKids! We weren’t able to have our pajama party in person but you can “party” with us in your jammies from home today! Our Pajama Party will be rescheduled, so keep an eye out for more details! See you soon!

Bible Story

SCRIPTURE | Luke 2:8-20; Matthew 2:1-12

INSTRUCTIONS: Place a baby doll wrapped in a blanket inside of a “manger” (like last week) at the front of the room. Wrap three boxes to look like presents. Have a few kids pretend to be shepherds and other kids pretend to be sheep and follow along! As you tell the story of the wise men bringing Jesus gifts, ask three kids to volunteer to take the gifts and walk them over to the baby laying in the “manger.”

Last week, we talked about the amazing birth of Jesus! Jesus’ parents, Mary and Joseph, traveled from the city of Nazareth to the town of David, called Bethlehem! There, Jesus was placed in a manger, because there were no rooms available for Jesus and his family.
There were shepherds out in the fields nearby taking care of their sheep. Then, an angel appeared to them. They were scared, but the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid! I bring you good news for everyone! Today, a Savior has been born to you. Here is how you will know I am telling you the truth. You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Then, a large group of angels appeared and started praising God!

The shepherds couldn’t wait to go see the baby the angel had told them about! They began traveling to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph and a baby lying in a manger, just like the angel said! After the shepherds saw the baby, they went out and told everyone. All who heard the story were amazed.

Some time later, wise men who came to visit Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. These gifts were considered special and important during the time Jesus was born. Just like we get presents on our birthdays sometimes, Jesus also got gifts! Everyone who heard of Jesus being born wanted to celebrate and worship!


Pray this Prayer: Dear God, Thank You for everything You’ve done for us. You’ve given us food, clothes, a home, and most of all, You gave us Jesus! We worship You, just like the shepherds and wise men did.

Big Idea

THE BIG IDEA | We can worship Jesus.

INSTRUCTIONS: Give each kid a piece of yellow construction paper and help them roll it into a cone shape. Tape the paper so it stays in the cone shape and makes a “trumpet.”
How any of you have ever played an instrument? Today, we are going to play some of our very own instruments. We’re going to make our own trumpets!

Everyone help me blow on our trumpets! One, two, three, blow!
Our trumpets remind me of a celebration! We celebrate when we are excited about something or when we want to worship!
Today, our Big Idea is: We can worship Jesus! Let’s all say that together: We can worship Jesus!



INSTRUCTIONS: Before you begin, place a bin/basket full of musical instruments in the room. These instruments can include cymbals, harmonicas, kazoos, tambourines, small drums, toy pianos, etc. Allow each kid to pick an instrument and play as loud as they want.
Today, we are talking all about worship! Can anyone tell me what worship is? It is anything that praises or celebrates God! When we worship God, it makes God happy!

So, sometimes we worship by praying, by being kind to others, by singing and dancing, or by listening and obeying our parents and teachers. Today, we are going to worship by making some music! Everyone grab an instrument and play as loud as you can!


INSTRUCTIONS: Provide paper, stickers, stamps, and coloring supplies for the kids to create cards. Let’s make thank you cards for Jesus! I want everyone to think of something you want to thank Jesus for. Maybe it is your siblings, your parents, your friends, your pets, how God made you, or anything else! Either write or draw what you want to thank Jesus for and decorate your cards!


INSTRUCTIONS: Pass out the “Confetti Fun” printable. Once they finish coloring, give them each a pieces of confetti to glue onto their page with a glue stick.



INSTRUCTIONS: Give each kid a few graham crackers, some icing, and spoons. Tell them to use their icing to try and create a present design on their graham cracker. As the kids eat their snack, ask them these review questions:
Who came to see Jesus after Jesus was born?

Who did the angels appear to?
What did the wise men bring Jesus?

Elementary | Week of December 20

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
This December we are learning about the Main Event, the birth of Jesus and how we can worship Him!

DISCUSSION: The Wise Men and the Shepherds
Read: Luke 2:8-20

  • Why do you think the shepherds were afraid when the angel appeared to them?
  • What news did the angels bring the shepherds?
  • How did the wise men know about Jesus?
  • Read Luke 4:8. What can we do to worship Jesus in our everyday life?
  • How do you think it felt to see Jesus as a baby?
  • Why do you think God chose shepherds and wise men to be the first to worship Jesus?
  • What are some things that distract us from worshipping Jesus?


MEMORY VERSE | The Best Gift
Write the memory verse and put it in large frame. Then wrap it, complete with ribbons or bows and encourage your kids to unwrap it together. You could make it a challenge by wrapping the large frame in multiple layers of wrapping paper and each kid has to unwrap one layer at a time. Once unwrapped, have all your kids recite the verse together.
“My soul glorifies the Lord and my Spirit rejoices in God my Savior” Luke 1:46-47

MAKE IT | Gift to Jesus
INSTRUCTIONS:Tell your kids to write down or draw something special they like about themselves, whether silly or serious. Then, put this piece of paper in a small box and wrap it like a gift.

Let’s promise to give this gift to Jesus every day this week.In what ways can we use our special gifts to worship Jesus?

THINK ABOUT IT | What is Worship?
What do you think worship means?
Usually we think of worship as singing songs to God and coming to church. But did you know that we can worship God in other ways, too?
Worship is to love God so deeply that our actions show how much we love God. We worship anytime we choose to live our lives for God. By loving God and loving other people, we are doing our part to tell others about Jesus! Being kind and loving is an act of worship to God.
What are some other ways we can worship God in our daily lives outside of church?


Dear God, we want to worship You! Help us to focus on you no matter what distractions come our way and to never stop being in wonder about just how good You are!
In Jesus’ name, amen!

Hey Parents! Make sure you’re staying up to date with all things Grow Kids by clicking the “like” button on our Facebook page and following us on Instagram!

Christmas Eve: Online Only


It’s hard to believe that we are only days away from Christmas! Depending on who you talk to, 2020 is either a sad novel that won’t end, or it’s an unassuming person that eventually becomes a best friend who adds more goodness to life than you ever thought possible. Regardless of your persuasion, we all share one thing in common with 2020. Our attitude and demeanor rests on our own shoulders. 

But if we take one giant step back, and allow the dust and noise to settle, we will discover a larger, more priceless truth. It is before us all the time, though we frequently miss it. We often pay it little attention. It is the truth that God’s plans (His will and His way) are supreme. God’s life and love prevails. Always. Period. If we truly believed this and kept it in the forefront of our mind, then we would embrace each day and allow every attitude and outlook to be flipped! Snarling turns to singing, biting turns to blessing, grumpiness turns to gratefulness – and on and on!

No question about it, God has made JOY the central focus for us as we close out the year! We have navigated several spontaneous disruptions as a church, but we have never lost our grip on JOY! Amen!

As we recognize the recent Covid surge and its impact on our region (even its impact on the GrowPoint staff) we felt the need to make a change to our Christmas Eve services. The message of “JOY” is important during this season, and so is the health of our church. So, Christmas Eve at GrowPoint is going to be online only. From 3pm to 8pm you can join our Christmas Eve service at the top of the hour. Simply pick a service time that fits with your plans for the afternoon! We look forward to speaking JOY over every home this year! Make sure you have a candle for everyone in your family, as we will end each service singing Silent Night by candle light.

Plan to join us online at growpoint.onlineFacebook, or YouTube.

Once again, GrowPoint, thank you for navigating these days with joy-filled hearts! 

We love y’all by the bucket loads & Merry Christmas!

Pastors Josh & Sumer

GrowPoint COVID 19 Service Adjustments


We have navigated a wide range of changes through this year; embracing joy and laughter each step of the way. Improvisation seems to be a good word to describe this year. 2020 is quickly winding down, and the next few weeks will look different than we hoped they would. 

Pastor Josh has tested positive for COVID-19. He is doing well with mild symptoms, and will thankfully be out of the CDC recommended 10-day quarantine prior to our Online Christmas Eve Services.

In light of this report, we are making the following adjustments to our church schedule:

  1. Sunday, December 20 is now an online only service, so please plan to join us at 9 AM & 11 AM online at growpoint.online, Facebook or YouTube.
  2. The church office will remain closed until further notice
  3. All groups meeting at the church will postpone their gatherings until further notice.
  4. Christmas Eve Services: Online Only (Every Hour from 3pm-8pm)
  5. Sunday, December 27 will remain an online only service at 9 AM & 11 AM

Safety and care for the entire GrowPoint family is at the center of our decision-making process. We all share a common passion to come together and lift up Jesus’ name. We also share a Jesus-like concern for one another. Philippians 2 paints an elaborate image of thoughtfulness toward one another. Verse 4 reads like this: “Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” For the vast majority of our life, this verse has motivated us to rally around one another (going the extra mile type of stuff). But in the context of COVID, we must improvise on how we look to the interests of others.

Let’s continue to walk through this season in prayerful unity, as well as perpetual flexibility!

Early Childhood | Week of December 13

Hi GrowKids! We are celebrating Jesus’ birthday! You and your family get to have your very own Birthday party for Jesus! Make sure you share pictures on social media of your party!

Bible Story

  • SCRIPTURE | Luke 2:1-7
  • INSTRUCTIONS: Wrap the baby doll in a blanket and place it in a manger (you can use a toy crib, box, or anything you have on hand). Have all the kids gather around the baby while you tell the Bible story.
  • In the days before Jesus was born, a man named Caesar Augustus made a law. His law made it so everyone who lived in Rome had to be placed on a list so they would know the name of everyone who lived there. Everyone was told to go to their hometown to be counted and placed on the list. Joseph, Jesus’ dad, was from a city called Bethlehem. He and Mary traveled from the town of Nazareth where they lived to the city of Bethlehem. Bethlehem was also known as the town of David.
  • Mary’s baby was almost ready to be born. While Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem, the time came for Jesus to be born!
  • Mary and Joseph looked all through the town of Bethlehem, but there were no open spots in any inns or hotels for them to stay. A nice farmer told them they could stay in his barn and that Mary could have her baby there. Jesus was born and was wrapped in cloth and placed inside of a manger. The story of Jesus’ birth is amazing, isn’t it? God planned it from the very beginning. God used Mary and Joseph, two people who loved God very much, to bring Jesus into the world. Jesus’ birth is the reason why we celebrate Christmas! It is the “Main Event” in God’s plan!


Pray this Prayer: Dear God, thank You so much for giving us the gift of Jesus. Jesus is the best gift we could have ever gotten! Thank You for loving us so much that you sent Jesus to Earth to be here with us!

Big Idea

  • INSTRUCTIONS: Wrap a baby doll in a blanket. Pass the doll around so each kid has a chance to hold and rock the baby.
  • Today, we will be hearing a story about an incredible baby being born. Does anyone know who that baby might be? Jesus! That’s right! Jesus’ birth is so important and is the reason why people celebrate Christmas!
  • That reminds me of our Big Idea for this week: We can celebrate Jesus’ birth!



  • INSTRUCTIONS: Provide streamers, balloons, and banners to decorate your space for a birthday party for Jesus!
  • Today, we are going to decorate for a party! How many of you have ever had a birthday party? They are the best! Today, we are going to be talking about the birth of Jesus, so I think we need to throw Jesus a party! Let’s decorate and make this place the coolest party room!


  • Today, we have been talking about Jesus’ birthday! We can celebrate birthdays by opening presents! Today, we are going to be wrapping up each other to remind us that Jesus is the best present we have ever gotten!
  • INSTRUCTIONS: Take turns wrapping each other up like a gift.
  • # TODDLER HACK: Instead of being in teams to wrap another kid, have them work together to wrap a large stuffed animal. Cut up sheets of wrapping paper and stick some double-sided tape on them, so that kids can just stick the wrapping paper around the stuffed animal.


  • INSTRUCTIONS: Before you begin, place as many candles as there are kids in your family into floral foam bricks. Light the candles, and tell the kids to come up carefully. On your count of three, tell the kids to think of something they want to ask God for and then blow out their candles. Let them take the candles home as a reminder.
  • We have been preparing for an awesome birthday party for Jesus! What is usually on our birthday cakes before we get to eat them? Yeah! Candles! Today, we’re going to make some special birthday wishes with these candles.



  • What is a birthday party without cake? Today, we are going to have cupcakes to remember that Christmas is all about Jesus’ birthday!
    INSTRUCTIONS: Pass out a cupcake to each kid. As they eat their cupcakes, ask these questions:
  • Why did Mary and Jospeh have to travel to their hometown?
  • What was the name of the city they had to go to?
  • Where did Mary place Jesus after Jesus was born?