
Introductory thought: God speaks to those who posture themselves in a position to listen.

Question 1: Pastor Josh shared a vivid dream he had several months ago. He saw beauty in the landscape and explained the revelation in it. The “line of bushes” represented people being in the Word. He continued by saying that the Word gives perspective of eternity, which shapes how we live. How has God’s Word shaped the way you live?

Question 2: Pastor Josh also saw an angel with his wings spread out and with a bow and arrow pulled back pointed directly at him (like an archer aiming for a target). Many times in the Bible (Old and New Testament alike), an angel appeared with a message from the Lord. Have you ever had an encounter with God speaking to you through a messenger from Him? It can be through a dream/vision, an angel, or another person. If comfortable, share your experience and what God said to you through it.

Question 3: In Pastor Josh’s vision, the angel pointing the arrow directly at him was not with intent to harm, but to keep focus near and in front of him.

Ques 3A: Has the Lord given you a dream or vision of something you are to do for Him?
Ques 3B: In what ways do you need to keep your focus in carrying out what He has called youto do directly in front of you?

Question 4: Prophecy was spoken over Pastors Josh and Sumer: “The Lord is calling you to do something that looks nothing like the past. Do what He has placed in your heart to do.” Have you ever felt led to change what you have done in the past and do something new? Some examples may include a career change to work in full-time ministry, writing a book, or making amends with someone.

Question 5: Pastor Josh introduced our church’s new name. He told of a conversation held with our former pastors, Bill and Harriet Mouer. They released Pastor Josh from any obligation to continue what they did in the past.

Ques 5A: If it became available to you, from what would you like to be released?
If easier, fill in the blanks: “I wish ______ would release me from _______.”
Ques 5B: Is there someone who needs to be released from fulfilling an obligation to you?

Question 6: Pastor Josh announced our new name and theme: GROWCHURCH, “a community compelled by God’s grace to grow.” He said that our body of believers needs to be a reproducing church. He listed six values in which we want to reproduce.

(1) God’s Word
(2) Intentional Presence
(3) Goodness & Kindness
(4) Humble Confidence
(5) Joy & Laughter
(6) Unending Pursuit

Ques 6A: Which of these values comes naturally for you to produce?
Ques 6B: Which of these values causes you to feel unsettled or uncomfortable?

Wrap-Up Thought: You cannot reproduce what you cannot define.