Don’t Run It Alone

Introductory thought:   Each season brings new reasons for growth.

Question 1:  Pastor Josh shared his first experience of running a race.  He talked about the progression of his pursuit:  First, he was compelled and inspired, then he had pain like he never felt before; his pace slowed down, and he was walking, but eventually he finished.  Pastor Josh likened his race at 11 years old to what we may experience with Biblical disciplines, such as praying, memorizing Scripture verses, and tithing. Identify a Biblical discipline with which you have begun “running the race” (it can be one from what Pastor Josh listed or a different area).  In what stage of progression are you in this discipline?

Question 2:  Read Romans 12:1-2 aloud.  Reread the passage, and replace the word youwith y’all.  Pastor Josh did this in church to emphasize that Paul was not writing to an individual, but to people collectively.  Pastor Josh said that it is not merely about what we, as individuals, are called to do, but what we, collectively as GrowPoint, are called to do.  Later in his conversation with us, he said that GrowPoint is called to “love in a crazy kind of way” and to “love on everybody.” Do you have ideas for GrowPoint to express a crazy love for people?  If comfortable, describe how this looks in church and for the community.

Question 3: In Romans 12:1-2, Paul urges us to present ourselves a living sacrifice.  Pastor Josh explained that this means to lay oneself down or to die to self.  He also said that if we run out of things to die to, then find others to run the race with.  What have you laid down so that Christ is evidenced in others?  

*Note to Facilitator: Here is an example to consider àyou may have felt a nudge to anonymously give money beyond the tithe to help a single parent buy school supplies for their child, and as a result, the parent recognized God’s faithfulness, gave glory to Him, and inspired others to rejoice and be thankful.

Question 4:   Romans 12:1-2 also says not to be conformed to this world, but be transformed.  Pastor Josh gave definitions to both of the words, conformedand transformed.  We are conformedwhen we fashion ourselves to another pattern, specifically to mind and character.  We are transformedwhen we become something completely different (like a caterpillar physically transforms into a butterfly).  Pastor Josh pointed out the pattern of this world is self-centeredness. 

Ques 4A:  In what ways have you found yourself fashioned to the mindset of this world? In what ways have you been transformed?

Ques 4B:  What does it look like for a community to be transformed?

Question 5:  Pastor Josh compelled us to stop the status quo pursuit, and encouraged us to be “abnormal” as a church.  In Romans 12:9-21 Paul lists ways to behave like a Christian.  Read through these verses and consider which of these “abnormal” ways to live for love come easy and which ones present a struggle.  If comfortable, talk about why it is easy or challenging to carry out these actions.

Question 6:Identify one mindset that needs transformed.

Question 7:Who are you running with?

Wrap-Up Thoughts:   The whole point is to do the race together. Recognize your own limitations, but know that He is limitless.

Unending Pursuit

Having a daily unending pursuit of Jesus is a rigorous and gutsy choice. If you’re not pursuing then you’re not growing…and if you’re not growing, you’re dying. Every believer is called to live a lifestyle of unending pursuit. Leave the spiritual apathy behind and see how an unending pursuit of Jesus is doable for everyone.

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