Sent With Jesus — Session 6

Session 2 of “Sent with Jesus” explores even deeper the concept of living a “Sent life”. We have identified the truth that God has made us on purpose for a purpose (Ephesians 2:10 – We are His masterpiece created for good works) and now we explore further how we focus our life to be on mission using the Biblical example of Moses. Moses not only lived life on mission sent with God but his journey also provides practical principles that help us understand our mission and purpose.

Sent With Jesus — Session 5

This is our first week of “Sent with Jesus.” As we have grown in our understanding and experience of Being with Jesus and Growing with Jesus, now is the time for the fruit that has developed to be harvested. We will discover that from the beginning when Jesus called the fisherman to a life of fishing for men (building disciples) that the goal has been for us to be on mission with Him. We will also discover a practical way of discovering the mission that God has for us through answering 6 key questions.

Grow with Jesus — Session 4

This is our second week of “Grow with Jesus” and focuses on the marks of spiritual growth while answering the fundamental question – “How do I know that I am growing as a Christian?”. When we learn that we are made in God’s image with His imperishable seed planted within us, we then understand the significance of the fruit of the Spirit marking our lives as a natural result of the growth of the seed within us. We will also identify longstanding habits and behaviors that have inhibited the spiritual transformation that God desires for all of us and ways that Holy Spirit empowers us for transformation.

Grow With Jesus — Session 3

This session begins the “Grow with Jesus.” A natural byproduct of Being With Jesus, is our desire to glorify God through becoming more like Christ. Just as a healthy vine produces good fruit, God desires to see us grow through the process of transformation. As we seek to glorify God by bearing much fruit and becoming true disciples (John 15:8), we will discover the Cycle of Growth that leads to the process of growing with Jesus to become more like Him.

Be with Jesus — Session 2

The vineyard is the perfect place to begin our GrowLine journey with Jesus. As we discover and experience for ourselves the meticulous care of the Vinedresser as He prunes and cultivates the branches in our lives, we begin to understand the joy and pain that brings the meaningful fruitfulness that comes from fully abiding in Him.

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Be with Jesus — Session 1

This first session of “Be With Jesus” reinforces that truth that God not only loves you, but He really likes you and WANTS to spend time with you! Many times we can feel as though we want to be with Him more than He wants to be with us – which is the lie the enemy would have us believe. Identifying the key relational principles that Jesus practiced with His disciples, we see that we can have a vibrant, growing relationship with Jesus that is unlike any we have had or will experience here on earth.