Early Childhood | Week of November 29

Hi GrowKids! Hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving with your family. This week as our Sing! series comes to a close, we are talking about how we don’t need to be afraid because we can trust God. When things seem scary and we aren’t sure what to do next or what will happen, and things seem impossible, our confidence comes from God and we can trust Him to take care of us and not be afraid.

Bible Story

  • INSTRUCTIONS: Look up the story in your Bible and read it!
  • David wrote Psalm 56 when he had been captured by an enemy kingdom. He was so afraid then that he started acting really strange so that the people holding him would leave him alone. Then he was able to escape!
  • Throughout this time, David remembered God, who is more powerful than any king. That’s why he wrote this Psalm and said that he will trust God when he is afraid.
  • When we are afraid, we can put our trust in God. God will always take care of us. God can always be trusted!


Pray this Prayer: Thank You, God, for always being with us. No matter where we go, no matter what we are doing, we never have to be afraid because we can trust You will always be there taking care of us!

Big Idea

  • When I say, “I am not afraid because. . . “ everyone say, “God can be trusted!” Ready? [Repeat this a few times.]
  • Now, let’s shout the whole thing together: “I am not afraid because God can be trusted.”


Activity: HAPPY SAD

  • INSTRUCTIONS: Before the kids arrive, double-side print this week’s printable and cut it out. Show the kids that when you turn it one way, the face looks afraid and sad. But when you turn it the other way, it’s a happy face. Then, pass out crayons and markers. Give the kids a chance to color their happy and sad faces.
  • When we are afraid and sad, we can trust God and turn our frown into a smile! When we are afraid, we can put our trust in God!


  • INSTRUCTIONS: Have kids make their own stress balls using large latex balloons and flour. Blow up the balloon a few times to make it more elastic, then attach it to a wide-mouthed funnel or water bottle, and fill the balloon with flour. You can have kids help pour the flour while you hold the balloon open. Tie a knot to seal. Have kids make happy faces on the balloon with permanent marker. Now they have their own squishy for when they are afraid! (Here’s a visual guide to help you.)
  • # TODDLER HACK: Make these in advance for each toddler in your group. Let them have fun just squishing the ball in their hands!


  • INSTRUCTIONS: Fold a piece of construction or craft paper and trace each kid’s hand on it (their wrist should be along the fold). Cut it out so that you have a handprint card that opens. Provide googly eyes of different sizes and have them make their own monster (you can show or make some of these ideas as samples). On the inside, have them write, “I trust God!”
  • # TODDLER HACK: Instead of making a card, just make it a one-pager activity. Let them stick on the eyes however, and help them draw on other features like a nose, mouth, teeth, horns.
  • When you are afraid, you can trust God!



  • INSTRUCTIONS: Pass out a snack to each kid. As the kids eat their snacks, ask them questions about the Bible verses.
  • # TODDLER HACK: Ask each kid as you pass out the snack, “_________, can you trust God? YES! (insert kids name) Include everyone’s name.
  • Is God always with you?
  • When you are afraid, is God with you?
  • Can you always trust God?
  • When you are afraid, you can put your trust in God!

Elementary | Week of November 29

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
Much of what is expressed in the book of Psalms are things we experience and feel today. Because of that, we can learn a lot about God and ourselves in these Psalms. When you can claim these five things – I am wonderful because God made me; I am safe because God watches over me; I am confident because God leads me; I am forgiven because God loves me; I am not afraid because God can be trusted– you will be unstoppable in your life with God!

DISCUSSION : When I Am Afraid
Read : Psalm 56

  • Why was David afraid in Gath?
  • What did he do to escape the Philistines?
  • What can we do when we are afraid?
  • Read Isaiah 41:10 and Proverbs 3:5-6. What are the reasons to trust God?
  • What are some things you are afraid of?
  • What does it mean to trust someone?
  • What are some things you know about God that remind you God can be trusted?


MEMORY VERSE | Memory Test
Let’s see how well we can remember our verse! Say the verse aloud (you can look at the screen if you need to!), then turn your screen around and try your best to recite the verse from memory! 

“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation.” Psalm 95:1 

MAKE IT | Security Pal

Use large socks and craft materials to make a stuffed sock animal that the kids can take home and keep with them. Check out these ideas for inspiration.

This new friend will serve as a reminder that God is with you even though you can’t physically see God.

THINK ABOUT IT | Isaiah 41:10; Proverbs 3:5-6
INSTRUCTIONS: Look up the verse and read it!
What do these verses tell us about God?
That’s right! God is always with us! God will give us strength when we feel weak and will help us when we can’t do things on our own.
What do these verses tell us about each other? The verses tell us everyone gets scared! We all are afraid of something. And we can all trust God with our fears. We may know a lot of things, but we don’t know everything. We can trust God knows best!


Dear God, Thank you for being the one we can trust. Instead of believing what our fears say, help us to trust You and the promises you give us in the Bible. You are a good and powerful God and you are always watching out for us.
In Jesus’ Name,

Hey Parents! Make sure you’re staying up to date with all things Grow Kids by clicking the “like” button on our Facebook page and following us on Instagram!

Early Childhood | Week of November 22

In our Sing! series this week, we are learning how God forgives us through the death of His Son, Jesus. Because of Jesus’ death on the cross, we can receive the gift of forgiveness from God for our sins, or the things we may do wrong.

Bible Story

  • INSTRUCTIONS: Look up the story in your Bible. Read it!
  • Forgiveness is a fancy word that means God helps us when we do wrong. God helps to take away all the bad things in our hearts and to make better choices the next time.
  • But how can we be forgiven? That’s a great question. To be forgiven, we need to tell God about what we’ve done.
  • When we tell God when we do something wrong, we are also saying we understand what we did is wrong and we understand we disobeyed God. We are saying God’s ways are the best ways and we want to obey God. When we do this, God forgives us of all our sins! Everything is wiped away!
  • God not only forgives our sin, but God will help us to make better choices the next time!


Pray this Prayer: Thank You, God, for loving me so much that You forgive me when I do things I’m not supposed to do. Help me to make smart choices.

Big Idea

  • Everyone, repeat the Big Idea after me: “I am forgiven because God loves me.”
  • Now, let’s all whisper it as quietly as we can: “I am forgiven because God loves me.”
  • Now, let’s say it as loudly as we can: “I am forgiven because God loves me!”



  • INSTRUCTIONS: Before you get started, draw hearts or cut out heart shapes out of paper and laminate them. Give each kid a dry erase or washable marker and allow them to doodle all over their hearts. Then give them a wet wipe and have them erase all the ink off.
  • When God forgives us, all those sins go away! God loves you so much. You are forgiven because God loves you!


  • We are going to practice asking for forgiveness. Everyone think of one thing you’ve done wrong. Just one.
  • INSTRUCTIONS: Tell the kids to sit down quietly and ask God to forgive them. Then, bring out the bubbles. Have each kid say, “I’m sorry God. Please forgive me.” For each kid, blow a bubble and wait until it pops. Repeat until every kid has had a chance to say the prayer and watch their bubble pop.
  • Let’s watch what happens when we blow a bubble. [Blow a bubble and watch it float in the air and pop.]
  • That helps us understand what happens when we pray to God and ask God to forgive our sins. God forgives us and it’s gone! Just like a bubble pops and is gone!
  • You are forgiven because God loves you!


  • INSTRUCTIONS: Turn on some upbeat music. Let kids blow their own bubbles, give them bubble wands, or turn on a bubble machine and let the kids dance in the bubbles. Remind the kids they are forgiven because God loves them!



  • INSTRUCTIONS: Pass out a snack to each kid. As the kids eat their snacks, ask them questions about the Bible story.
  • Does God forgive all of our sins when we talk to God about them?
  • Do you think there is anything you could do that God would not forgive?
  • Why does God forgive you?
  • You are forgiven because God loves you!

Elementary | Week of November 22

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
Much of what is expressed in the book of Psalms are things we experience and feel today. Because of that, we can learn a lot about God and ourselves in these Psalms. When you can claim these five things – I am wonderful because God made me; I am safe because God watches over me; I am confident because God leads me; I am forgiven because God loves me; I am not afraid because God can be trusted– you will be unstoppable in your life with God!

DISCUSSION : Confession and Forgiveness:
Read : Psalm 32

  • What is sin?
  • What does it mean to confess sin?
  • Why is it important to tell God about the wrong things we’ve done?
  • Read Psalm 32:3-5. What do you think happens if we don’tconfess our sin?
  • What makes it hard for you to confess when you do something wrong?
  • How do you show forgiveness to someone?
  • How do you know God forgives you when you confess your sin?


MEMORY VERSE | Memory Card Game
Using post it notes, write each word of the memory verse on a separate card. Mix up the notes and then time yourself to see how fast you can put the verse in order!

“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation.” Psalm 95:1 

MAKE IT | Forgiveness Bracelets
INSTRUCTIONS: String beads onto twine or yarn to make a bracelet. Just like a friendship bracelet reminds us we will always be friends, a forgiveness bracelet reminds us that God will always forgive us because God will always love us. You can also include letter beads that spell, “Forgiven.”

This bracelet is going to serve as a reminder to you that you are forgiven because God loves you.

THINK ABOUT IT | 1 John 1:9
INSTRUCTIONS: Look up the verse and read it!
What does this verse tell us about God? God is faithful. God is also fair. We don’t have to wonder if God will forgive us again when we sin again. God will because Jesus already promised to take away our sin for us.


Thank You, God, for Your forgiveness. I know there are many things I do wrong. I am very happy You love me and will always forgive me. Help me remember to always tell You about my sin and to always remember that You forgive me.
In Jesus’ Name,

Hey Parents! Make sure you’re staying up to date with all things Grow Kids by clicking the “like” button on our Facebook page and following us on Instagram!

Early Childhood | Week of November 15

In our Sing! series this week, we are learning how Jesus guides us and directs our steps. God’s Word, the Bible, was given to us by Him to use as a guide. The Bible tells us stories of how we, as Christ followers, are to live to be more like Jesus. We can walk confidently in who we are, because God created and designed us and He continues to lead us.

Bible Story

  • INSTRUCTIONS: Look up the story in your Bible and read it to the kids. Hold up a light source for this segment, such as a flashlight, lantern, cell phone light, or glow stick.
  • # TODDLER HACK: Consider passing around the lamp or flashlight that kids can take turns turning on and off.
  • Light is very important! It helps us to see! A lamp is a type of light that helps us see in the dark. That way, we don’t bump into anything and hurt ourselves.
  • Light helps us see everything around us. When we can see things clearly, we know which way to go. God’s words to us, like those right here in the Bible, are like light for our lives. When we obey God’s words, they help to keep us safe.
  • When we need to know what to do and what not to do, God’s words help us figure it out. When we need to make choices or are trying to figure out how to live life, God’s words help us.


Pray this Prayer: Thank You, God, for leading me and lighting my path. I can be confident and sure of where I’m going when I’m following You!

Big Idea

  • INSTRUCTIONS: Use the motions to help the kids remember the Big Idea. I am [Point to yourself.]
  • confident [Fly like a superhero.]
  • because God [Point up to the sky.]
  • leads me [Point to yourself.]



  • We are reading from the book of Psalm in our Bible. Let’s kick things off with a game!
  • INSTRUCTIONS: Lay several pieces of construction paper on the ground, including the colors yellow, blue, red, orange, purple, and green. You will need several of each color. The amount will depend on how large your group is. Call out a color and give the kids to the count of three to find the color square. They have to be touching the square with at least a finger or a toe to stay in the game. More than one kid can be on a square — the more kids on a square, the more fun the game!
  • # TODDLER HACK: Use only three colors. Consider rolling out colored craft paper in large strips and placing them on the ground so there is room for everyone on each color in your class.
  • Great job, everyone, for listening to me and following the instructions. Even though I led you to the right color, it’s important for us to remember God is the best leader we have.


  • INSTRUCTIONS: Choose one to be the “leader.” The leader will choose an action and the rest will follow. Then, call out another kid’s name and tell them to be the leader. Give everyone a chance to be the leader!
  • That was fun taking turns being the leader today. The best leader we have is God and we should always follow what God tells us to do. We can be confident when God is our leader!


  • INSTRUCTIONS: Sit in a circle. Prepare different items, some that are light sources and some that are just random objects or toys. Hold up each item as you ask these questions. Today, we talked about how God’s Word can be like a lamp. A lamp gives out light. What else gives light? Does a flashlight give light? Does a cow give light? Does a candle give light? Does God’s Word give us light? Yes! God’s Word is like a light.



  • INSTRUCTIONS: Pass out a snack to each kid. As the kids eat their snacks, ask them the following question. Repeat the question until you’ve asked the entire group.
  • # TODDLER HACK: As you pass out snack say, “God leads ______” (insert kids name). Does God lead you, [insert kids name]_______?
  • Yes, God does lead you! God leads all of us. We can be confident because God leads us!

Elementary | Week of November 15

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
Much of what is expressed in the book of Psalms are things we experience and feel today. Because of that, we can learn a lot about God and ourselves in these Psalms. When you can claim these five things – I am wonderful because God made me; I am safe because God watches over me; I am confident because God leads me; I am forgiven because God loves me; I am not afraid because God can be trusted– you will be unstoppable in your life with God!

DISCUSSION : Your Word is a Lamp for My Feet
Read : Psalm 119:101-105

  • Why are lamps so important?
  • How is God’s word is like a lamp for us?
  • Where can we find God’s words?
  • Read Psalm 119:105 again. What are some challenges you might face if you are walking around in the dark without a light on your path?
  • Can anyone think of some Bible verses that help us know what we should do?
  • Why do you feel safe and confident when God leads you?
  • What are some ways you can follow God this week?


Since this series is called, “Sing!” try different ways to sing the memory verse. This week, encourage the kids to try rapping the memory verse! You can play a fun track like this one for them to use as their background. The kids can even challenge each other to a mini rap battle.

“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation.” Psalm 95:1 

MAKE IT | Paper Lanterns
INSTRUCTIONS: Have kids make a paper lantern by folding a piece of paper length-wise, cutting slits along the fold, unfolding the paper and rolling it width-wise, and attaching the ends together. Write the verse Psalm 119:105 on the paper lantern. Place a battery-operated tea light inside. Check out this link to see how to make this and other types of paper lanterns.

This lantern will be a reminder to you that God’s word is a lamp for your feet and a light to your path. Put it some place where you will remember this verse and how it can help you see the amazing things God does.

THINK ABOUT IT | In Need of Light
INSTRUCTIONS: Share a story about a time when you really needed light with someone in your house. It can be a story about when there was a blackout or just at night when you were trying to make it to the bathroom in the dark. Turn off the lights in your house and tell the story using a flashlight.
Light just makes things better! We should let God be our light and let God lead us wherever we are going.


Dear God,
Thank You, God, for being a lamp in my life. You lead me and make sure I stay safe. Thank You for Your words that help me to know the right thing to do.
In Jesus’ Name,

Hey Parents! Make sure you’re staying up to date with all things Grow Kids by clicking the “like” button on our Facebook page and following us on Instagram!