Elementary | Week of May 2, 2021

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
We are going to spend this month talking about the legacy that Jesus has left for us . . . which is the Holy Spirit!

DISCUSSION: Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
Read: Acts 8:26-40

  • What did the Holy Spirit tell Philip to do?
  • Who did Philip meet on the desert road?
  • What did Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch talk about?
  • Read Romans 15:13. How does this verse encourage us?
  • What does the Holy Spirit do for us?
  • What are some things you know about God already?
  • What are some things you want to know more about?


MEMORIZE IT | Motion Memory Verse
Learn this month’s memory verse – practice with the motions!
“For those who are led” Both arms out in front, motioning a winding road
“by the Spirit” Left fully extended up
“of God” Right arm fully extended up
“are the children”
Wrap left arm around self
“of God.” wrap left arm around self
“Romans 8:14” open hands like book

DO IT | Holy Spirit Timeline
INSTRUCTIONS: Grab a piece of paper and some colored pencils. Look up an example of a timeline.
It’s amazing how the Holy Spirit impacts every part of our lives. Sometimes, we don’t even notice it.

  • First, draw a line all the way across your paper like this, with three dots.
  • Over the first dot, draw a picture of the person who invited or brought you here today. That happened in the past.
  • Under the second dot, draw a picture of yourself here, where you are right now.
  • Over the third dot draw a picture of someone you know who you can ask to come with you next time. That will happen in the future.

    Now, we have the past, present, and future. Go back and draw one big heart over all three pictures. God’s Holy Spirit directs our lives and connects the past to the present, and the present to the future.

READ IT | Romans 15:13
Read Romans 15:13.
A man named Paul was trying to help all the new churches get started. Paul’s legacy is that he wrote letters to these churches, which were later put in the Bible.
Paul wanted to encourage church leaders because they were only just learning what it meant to be followers of Jesus.
Paul shared with them that when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are filled with joy and peace. And that gives us power to do what Jesus wants us to do . . . which helps us know God better.
The Holy Spirit helps us want to know God.


Dear Jesus,
Thank you for wanting to know us and for allowing us to know you more through the Holy Spirit. Help us to want to know you more and more each day and share what we know with others. 

Hey Parents! Make sure you’re staying up to date with all things Grow Kids by clicking the “like” button on our Facebook page and following us on Instagram!

Elementary | Week of April 25, 2021

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
Today we continue the conversation of what happened after Jesus conquered death and appeared to His disciples and went back!

DISCUSSION: Jesus Goes Up To Heaven
Read: Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:3-11

  • Where was Jesus going? Why?
  • What did Jesus tell us to go and do?
  • Who did Jesus say he was going to send to help the disciples?
  • Read Acts 1:8. What was going to happen once people received the Holy Spirit?
  • What are some strengths Jesus has given you?
  • What is something you didn’t think you could do before, but now you can trust Jesus to give you strength to do?
  • How can we go and make disciples like Jesus told us to do?


MEMORIZE IT | Cartoon Verse
Make a cartoon out of this verse! Break it up it smaller sections and draw little cartoon characters to illustrate the verse. Be creative and then share with your family your Memory Verse cartoon!

“If you declare with your mouth” – Cup hands around mouth
“‘Jesus” right arm up
“Is” – Left arm up
“Lord” both arms in goal pose
“and believe” – swing arm around from head to heart
“in your heart” – make heart with hands and motion a heartbeat
“that God raised Him from the dead” – swing arms up and then flip hands over
“you will” – point both fingers out front
“Be Saved” – open arms wide
“Romans 10:9” – open hands like book

DO IT | Map to Strength
INSTRUCTIONS: Draw a large mountain on a piece of paper. Write the word, “STRENGTH” vertically on the left side of the paper. Think of what words come to mind when you think of strength. Make sure you come up with words or phrases that start with letters in the word, “strength” (e.g., Superman, trustworthy, robot, energy, never tired, great, gravity, etc.)
There are many things we think of when we think of strength. That’s because strength can mean many different things.

READ IT | Acts 4:5-12
INSTRUCTIONS:Read Acts 4:5-12 or ask for a kid volunteer to read the passage out loud.
Peter and John healed someone and the religious rulers didn’t like that very much.
The rulers accused Peter and John of wrongdoing and asked them how they healed the man since they didn’t have any special power on their own.
Where did their power and strength come from?
They made it clear to everyone that their strength came from Jesus!


Dear Jesus,
Give us strength to do what you have asked us to do in our lives, especially when things are difficult. Remind us that you are always with us and we are stronger that we know because of that. We love you!

Hey Parents! Make sure you’re staying up to date with all things Grow Kids by clicking the “like” button on our Facebook page and following us on Instagram!

Year of Jubilee

GrowPoint has been narrowly focused on jubilee this year! Historically, jubilee was a 50 year cycle where all debts were cancelled for all people! Can you imagine the reality of freedom people must have experienced! For GrowPoint, we are celebrating the 50th year of meeting in our current sanctuary! Throughout the last 50 years, God has brought thorough and widespread freedom to countless people through the power of Jesus’ name.

Early Childhood | Week of April 25, 2021

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
Today we are learning all about what Jesus did after He beat death!


INSTRUCTIONS: Have one parent or sibling play Simon Peter and one play the role of Thomas. This story will be told from their perspectives. Another sibling/parent will act as the host to ask them questions as if interviewing them.

  • Host: Hello, Simon Peter and hello, Thomas! Thank you both so much for meeting with us today.
  • Simon Peter and Thomas: Absolutely, it’s our pleasure.
  • Host: So, I heard a pretty crazy story and I was hoping that you could tell our friends and I what happened from your perspective. I heard that Jesus left Earth and went up to heaven to be with God. Is that true?
  • Simon Peter: It is true, (Host’s name)! Thomas and I both saw it with our own four eyes!
  • Thomas: That’s right! Jesus asked us to meet together at the top of a mountain in Galilee. We weren’t sure what we would be doing there, but we knew we had to go.
  • Simon Peter: Yeah, and when we got there, Jesus said something that was really important.
  • Thomas: That’s right! Jesus called it the “Great Commission.” Host: Well, go on, tell us what the Great Commission is!
  • Simon Peter: Well, Jesus said, “You must go and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And you can be sure that I am always with you, to the very end.”
  • Thomas: It was crazy! Jesus told us what we were supposed to do and then all of the sudden, Jesus started floating up into the clouds. We watched Jesus go all the way up until Jesus disappeared into the clouds.
  • Host: That’s amazing! How did it feel to watch Jesus go to Heaven like that?
  • Simon Peter: Well, at first, I was really sad because Jesus wasn’t there anymore for me to talk to, but then I remembered that Jesus promised to always be with us. That’s why Jesus gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit is our helper!page2image8222976page2image8210880page2image8217408page2image8214528page2image8222208page2image8212224page2image8220288page2image8220096page2image8212608page2image8218560page2image8220864page2image8219328page2image8209152
  • Thomas: Then, two men came by to tell us that Jesus would return to Earth one day!
  • Host: Wow! That’s an incredible story. Thank you so much, Simon Peter and Thomas, for taking time to tell us that story.
  • Simon Peter and Thomas: You’re welcome!
  • Host: Well, kids, there you have it! Jesus told the disciples that they were supposed to go out and tell others about Jesus and the miraculous things Jesus did for us, and so are we!



INSTRUCTIONS: Watch the memory verse video and learn the motions to this month's

memory verse. Then, draw a picture of what this verse reminds you of. It could be a picture of Jesus, Heaven, a BIG smile or a huge heart! Whatever reminds you of love, draw it!


Using a piece of paper, write the word “STRENGTH” There are eight different pieces of paper shaped like mountains that say “STRENGTH” hidden around the room. Instruct the kids to find them and match the letters they find to the ones on the mountain.

Being strong can mean many different things!
One of the ways we can have strength is by working together as a team like we have been doing this month!


Dear God, thank you for always being with us. Even though we can’t see you, we know you are there. Thank you for making us stronger whenever we feel like we can’t do something. We love you. Amen.