Elementary | Week of April 11, 2021

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
Today we continue the conversation of what happened after Jesus conquered death!

DISCUSSION: Jesus Appears to the Disciples
Read: John 20:19-31

  • When Jesus came into the room, what did Jesus say to the disciples?
  • What did Thomas say to the other disciples when they told him they saw Jesus alive?
  • For Thomas to believe, what did Jesus show Thomas?
  • Read I John 1:3. What do you think it means to have fellowship with God?
  • Fellowship is one way to say we are connecting with others. What are some ways we connect with others in general?
  • Who are the people you are connected with when you believe in Jesus?
  • What is one thing you can do to connect more people to your community of people who knowand love God?


MEMORIZE IT | Memory in Motion
Write the memory verse on post-it notes and place them around your house where you will see it often! Place one on your mirror, on your night stand and maybe even one in your lunch box!

“If you declare with your mouth” – Cup hands around mouth
“‘Jesus” right arm up
“Is” – Left arm up
“Lord” both arms in goal pose
“and believe” – swing arm around from head to heart
“in your heart” – make heart with hands and motion a heartbeat
“that God raised Him from the dead” – swing arms up and then flip hands over
“you will” – point both fingers out front
“Be Saved” – open arms wide
“Romans 10:9” – open hands like book

DO IT | Connected Chain
Cut out thin strips of paper and grab markers and write JESUS boldly on one side. Write your names on the other side. On the other pieces of paper, write the names of the people in your life around you, those who have shared Jesus with you, those you go to school with, anyone! Write JESUS boldly on one side and the name on the other. Use a piece of tape or staple and make a paper chain with all the names. Fold the paper so “Jesus” is facing out. Make one, long chain.

What do you see when you look at the chain? I see Jesus on each link! Jesus is how each of us are connected!
Let’s hang this up to remind us each week that 
Jesus connects us to each other.

READ IT | 1 John 1:1-4
INSTRUCTIONS: Read I John 1:1-4.
John, the writer of this book, was one of Jesus’ disciples.
He wrote about what he saw and heard about Jesus. He wanted everyone who read these verses to be connected with Jesus in the same way the disciples were after Jesus rose again.
Let’s imagine you were one of the disciples Jesus appeared to. How would you share your story to others?


Father in Heaven,
Thank you for always helping us to build our faith and confidence in you. Thank you for connecting us all to help us in our faith. When things aren’t easy to believe, you give us each other as a reminder that you are still here with us. Thank you for helping us rise up together.
In Jesus’ Name,

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Early Childhood | Week of April 11, 2021

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
Today we are learning all about what Jesus did after He beat death!


DISCUSSION: Jesus is Alive!
Read: Mark 16:1-8

Read together the amazing story of Jesus appearing to His disciples, grab a Bible and read John 20:19-31 together!

When Jesus showed up, his friends were no longer afraid. They really believed that Jesus was the same Jesus they had followed until now. Jesus who died was now Jesus who lives! They were brought together to see Jesus so they could tell others the good news!


MEMORIZE IT | Memory Verse Poster

INSTRUCTIONS: Using a piece of paper and markers, parents, write out the memory verse (Romans 10:9) for your child. Give them markers to decorate all around the verse and then hang the poster up somewhere in the house. I'd encourage you to place the verse somewhere the whole family can see it all week long!

SAY IT | THE BIG IDEA | Jesus connects us to each other.

Build a tower out of any household item (that doesn’t attach to each other). Then, build a tower out of Legos as tall as you can make it! Then, hold onto the center of your tower and see if it all stays together. Which one stayed together?
Just like the Legos stay together because they are connected, people who love Jesus will stay connected because Jesus is our connector!

DO IT |  Colorful Cross

INSTRUCTIONS: Cut enough two-to three-inch wide strips of paper for each child. Tell each kid to write “Jesus” on one side of their paper and their name on the other side. Glue or staple each strip of paper together to make a chain. Fold the paper so “Jesus” is facing out. Make one, long chain with every kid and leader’s name attached.
What do you see when you look at the chain?
I see Jesus on each link! Jesus is how each of us are connected!
Let’s hang this up to remind us each week that Jesus connects us to each other.

EAT IT | Out of the Tomb

INSTRUCTIONS: Give each kid a Twizzlers Pull ‘n’ Peel and instruct them to pull each strip apart. Then, show them how totie the individual strips together to create a long climbing rope!
When we’re connected together, we are stronger because there are more of us. When we connect these pieces, our rope is longer and can help us climb higher!
Would you rather climb a mountain or swim in the ocean?
How high have you climbed before?