Elementary | Week of April 4, 2021

Happy Easter! Welcome to GrowKids Online!
Today we celebrate the most victorious day in history and how Jesus conquered death!

DISCUSSION: Jesus is Alive!
Read: Mark 16:1-8

  • Who went to the tomb?
  • Why did they go to put spices on Jesus’ body?
  • What did they see when they got to the tomb?
  • Read Acts 10:42. What two things does this verse tell us to do with the message of Jesus?
  • Where can you share the message of Jesus?
  • What ways can you share the message of Jesus?
  • Who do you want to share the message of Jesus with?


MEMORIZE IT | Memory in Motion
INSTRUCTIONS: Print out this week’s coloring page, which has the memory verse on it. Color it and then hang it up around your house. Using this picture, create motions to the verse! Take a video of your memory verse motions and send it over to Hannah on Kid’s Messenger!

DO IT | Colorful Cross
Let’s create a reminder of what Jesus did for us to overcome death!
Using a piece of black construction paper, draw a large cross outline on your paper using white glue. You can add other designs to the cross or around it, but make sure to only do simple lines, think outlines as opposed to chunks of glue. Next, completely cover the glue design with salt, then shake off the excess salt. You can recycle the excess salt by pouring it back into a container that can be reused for a different craft. Dip a paintbrush into watercolor paint and gently touch a part of the design with the brush to have the color spread. You do not have to wait for the glue to dry before painting. Be gentle so as not to disturb the wet glue under the salt. Leave aside to dry.

READ IT | Acts 10:39-43
INSTRUCTIONS:Read Acts 10:39-43.
Remember we talked about how amazing reaching a mountaintop would be? After seeing a view like that, I bet you wouldn’t be able to wait to tell everyone what you saw.
Jesus told everyone to do the same thing —to tell everyone about the great news of Jesus!
And guess what? We can share the good news about Jesus to everyone, too!
Is there someone you want to tell about what Jesus did for you in your life?

Where can you go to tell people about Jesus?


Father in Heaven,
Thank you for what you did on the cross, for giving your life so that we can have a relationship with God! Thank you for overcoming death and giving all of us this good news that we can share with others.
In Jesus’ Name,

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