Elementary | Week of March 28, 2021

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God has great plans and this month we are going to learn how we get to be a part of His great plans!

DISCUSSION: Jesus Enters Jerusalem
Read: Mark 11:1-11

  • What were the two towns that were nearby Jerusalem where Jesus was?
  • What were the names of the disciples Jesus sent to get the donkey?
  • What did the people put down in the road in front of Jesus as Jesus came into Jerusalem?
  • Read Psalm 118:28. How does King David describe God?
  • What does Jesus riding on a donkeyinstead of entering in a grand way tell us about the kind of person Jesus is?
  • How do you think you are included in God’s plan?
  • What is one thing you can do this week as part of God’s plan?


MEMORIZE IT | Balloon Bop Memory Verse
INSTRUCTIONS: Blow up a balloon and bounce it up in the air! Don’t let the balloon touch the ground. Each time you bop the balloon, say a word of the memory verse! Can you say the memory verse without looking it up?

Jeremiah 29:11

DO IT | Pyramid Plans
INSTRUCTIONS: Trace your hands on green paper. Write a note of thanks and praise to Jesus for including everyone in God’s plans on the hands. Then, cut it out and hang them in a place in your house that you often see. Let this praise hand be a reminder of His goodness!

Jesus had to make difficult decisions and chose them on purpose so that God’s plans could be carried out.
Aren’t you thankful that Jesus obeyed God, specifically so that you and I could be saved? We are included in God’s plans!

READ IT | Psalm 118:19-29
INSTRUCTIONS:Read Psalm 118:19-29.
King David wrote these psalms to praise God for saving him. And fun fact –King David happens to be an ancestor of Jesus!
Saving King David was part of God’s plan. You and I have a lot to praise God for as well.
What is something you want to praise God for?
Let’s shout those things out to praise God like King David did!
Jesus was God’s plan to love and help everyone, including you.
You are a part of God’s plan! We are included in God’s plans.


Dear God,
Thank you for making me part of your plan. Help each of us to be grateful for your plans and help us follow them. We love you!
In Jesus’ Name,

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Early Childhood | Week of March 28

Hi GrowKids! As we complete our Blueprints lesson this week, let’s be reminded that God’s plan is always perfect. It may not always work out the way we thought it would, and our circumstances may make us rely on Him, but we have to remember that He knows what is best for us and He has a perfect plan. Our Big Idea today is “I am included in God’s plan”. Say that out loud together. I am included in God’s plan.

Bible Story

SCRIPTURE | Mark 11:1-11

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a Bible in front of you to Mark 11:1-11. Have someone represent Jesus, the two disciples who get the donkey, and the other people who are there for the parade. Read the story and ask the kids to act out the story as you go. Ask the volunteer playing Jesus to ride a hobby horse. Give kids paper palm branches and extra clothes that kids can wave and lay on the ground for the kid playing Jesus.

# TODDLER HACK: Toddlers love to play and act out stories! Consider reading the passage a few times through, allowing different kids to play different parts each time.

What I love about this story is that everybody played a part!
Jesus asked friends to get the donkey for him to ride on.
Some people put their coats on the donkey for Jesus to sit on.
Others put their coats or large palm branches on the road to make Jesus an extra special path to ride on, perfect for a king.

Some people were just there to celebrate!
Everyone shouted, “Hosanna!” as they welcomed King Jesus to Jerusalem. Can we try shouting that together? Hosanna!
“Hosanna” means “save us.” Jesus came to Jerusalem to save all of us!


Dear God, thank you for making us part of your plan. Help each of us to be grateful for your plans and help us follow them. We love you! Amen.

Memory Verse

MEMORY VERSE | Jeremiah 29:11

INSTRUCTIONS: Follow along in the video below.

Big Idea

THE BIG IDEA | I am included in God’s plans.

INSTRUCTIONS: Print or write the Big Idea on a piece of blueprint paper, roll it up like a tube.

This week’s Big Idea is: I am included in God’s plans. Say the Big Idea with me!

I am (Point to yourself.)
included (Hug your arms around yourself.)
in God’s (Point up to the sky.)
plans (Hold your hands out together in front of you with your palms up so your hands look like an open book.)



In a construction crew, it’s so important for each person on the site has to do their part. Let’s see what that looks like through this next activity!
INSTRUCTIONS: Beforehand, create fake gravel by crumpling up newspaper, paper grocery bags, and aluminum foil, making enough to fill up a large garbage bag. Split your group into two teams, giving each team a large bucket and a shovel or scoop. Dump out the contents of the garbage bag in a pile in the middle of the room. Have kids take turns bringing back as much “gravel” from the pile to their bucket. Play until the pile is cleared. The team with the most in their bucket wins!

# TODDLER HACK: Younger kids might not have the dexterity to balance items in a shovel or scoop. In that case, have them retrieve items by hand and bring it to their bucket.


INSTRUCTIONS: Give each kid at least two green hand cut-outs. Provide a variety of stickers, crayons, or markers. Ask the kids to either draw or add stickers (e.g. a dog sticker to represent their pet, a hamburger sticker to represent yummy food they get to eat) to their handprint that represent things they are thankful for. Make a “road” out of everyone’s palm by taping or gluing them onto butcher paper.

We are thankful to God for lots of things, including the things you’ve put on your handprints. We’re also thankful that we are part of God’s plans.
Remember today’s Big Idea: I am included in God’s plans.

What did Jesus ride on when Jesus entered Jerusalem?
What word were the people shouting when Jesus entered Jerusalem? Who is included in God’s plans?

Activity: I AM IN GOD’S PLAN

INSTRUCTIONS: Sing the following to the tune of ,”The Farmer in the Dell,” adding in a different kid’s name each time you sing it. Finish the song with “We are in God’s plan.” As you sing, tap your knees and clap along. Tap, tap, clap is a rhythm that works well for this.

I am in God’s plan
I am in God’s plan
Hosanna! Hosanna!
I am in God’s plan
Replace underlined part with “[Name of kid]’s” and “we are” as you repeat the song.

I am included in God’s plan and so are each of you! I’m so glad God has included us.
Part of God’s plan is for us to spend time with God. What are some ways we can spend time with God this week?
Part of God’s plan is for us to be like Jesus. What are some things we can do this week to be like Jesus?
Part of God’s plan is for us to tell others about Jesus. Who can you tell about Jesus this week?


Snack Time: CUP OF DIRT

INSTRUCTIONS: Prepare instant chocolate pudding for each kid in clear cups or use ready- made pudding cups. Put crushed oreos into bowls that kids can scoop out and sprinkle on top of their pudding. Give each kid a few candy corn to top it off and consider having them use these shovel spoons to eat their cup of dirt!

Do you remember the different things people did when Jesus came to Jerusalem? Some people . . .
Went to get the donkey.
Gave their coat for Jesus to sit on.

Covered the road with their coats.
Covered the road with palm branches.
Which part do you think was the most important that day? Why?