Early Childhood | Week of March 21

Hi GrowKids! As we learn more about Jesus and how incredible He is, we want to be more like Him. Our mission as Jesus followers is to study God’s Word and learn more about Him and become more like Him. Jesus followed God’s plans, even when He knew it was going to be difficult, He followed God’s plan’ and that’s what we want to do: Follow God’s Plan.

Bible Story

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a Bible in front of you to John 12:20-33.
In our story today, we find that people from all over the world had heard about Jesus and wanted to talk to Jesus.
How would you feel if people from different countries knew your name?
These people probably traveled from far away places to meet Jesus. But when Jesus talked, he didn’t really talk about himself. Jesus talked all about God’s plan to save people, and how Jesus was simply following the plan.

Jesus used the example of a seed: When a seed doesn’t have soil, water, or sunlight, the seed would just stay a seed and not become anything more. But, if a seed follows the right plan, it can grow to become a tree full of fruit!

Just like the seed follows the right plan, Jesus told everyone that God’s plan for him was the right one. Jesus said that he would die but when he did, it would be to save everybody.
Jesus knew that the road ahead might be full of sadness and hurting. But Jesus trusted that love was the reason for God’s plan and trusted that God would bring him back to life.

God loved us so much that Jesus had to die for our sins. Jesus loved us so much that he followed God’s plan to save us!


Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to save us. We are so thankful Jesus said yes to your plan. Help us be like Jesus and be willing to say yes, too. We know you only have the best plans in store for us. Amen.

Memory Verse

MEMORY VERSE | Jeremiah 29:11

INSTRUCTIONS: Follow along in the video below.

Big Idea

THE BIG IDEA | Jesus said yes to God’s plans.

INSTRUCTIONS: Print or write the Big Idea on a piece of blueprint paper, roll it up and put it in the blueprint tube from last week. Ask the same or a different volunteer to dress up as a construction worker to reveal today’s Big Idea.Ask one of the kids to come up to the front to open the tube and take the paper out to reveal the Big Idea.

This week’s Big Idea is: Jesus said yes to God’s plans. Let’s try it together!

Jesus (Hold both arms straight out to each side to make a cross.)
said yes (Nod your head.)
to God’s (Point up to the sky.)
plans (Hold your hands out together in front of you with your palms up so your hands look

like an open book.)


Activity: WHICH PLANS?

INSTRUCTIONS: Ask kids which of the following “plans” they would choose if they absolutely had to. Feel free to add your own to the list.
If you had to choose one of these plans, would you choose plan 1 or plan 2?

1) Brush your teeth with soap; 2) Drink sour milk.
1) Eat an onion; 2) Eat a lemon.
1) Have a cat as big as an elephant; 2) Have an elephant the size of a cat.
1) Eat ice cream that tastes like broccoli; 2) Eat cookies that taste like hamburger.

# TODDLER HACK: Simplify the choice of plans for the toddlers to things they more ordinarily have to decide. For example, “Would you rather make plans to go to the park or plans to watch a movie?” or “Would you rather plan to eat waffles or pancakes for breakfast?”

There are times when we have to choose from not-so-great plans. Sometimes, we don’t even know what are the right plans to make. But God knows! We just need to learn to say “yes” to God!

Activity: YES OR NO

INSTRUCTIONS: Ahead of time, place in a box an item from the room where you are gathering, preferably items the kids are used to seeing in your space (e.g. a storybook, a puzzle, or a toy car). Ask one kid to look in the box and see the item you’ve chosen. The rest of the kids can then ask yes or no questions to guess what is in the box. If you like, you can repeat this with several different items.

# TODDLER HACK: Place a large box on your lap such that the opening faces the kids. Have a kid put an item in your box while you close your eyes. Then without looking in the box, ask the group yes or no questions and have everyone answer it together. Keep asking questions until you can guess what’s inside the box.

Sometimes, you can’t see God’s plans. You have to trust that God sees the big picture and will carry out the perfect plans for you.
Jesus said yes to God’s plans and we can, too.


INSTRUCTIONS: Call out actions for the kids to do (e.g., pat their heads, turn around in circles). If the leader says, “Simon says. . .” before the action, then the kids should do that action. If the leader does not say, “Simon says. . .” before the action instruction, the kids should not do the action. You do not need to have anyone go “out” if they accidentally do an action that wasn’t preceded by “Simon says. . .” You can just enjoy the giggles of kids realizing they’ve been tricked! After every four to five actions, call out, “Jesus said. . .” to which the kids should respond, “. . . yes to God’s plans!”

Jesus knew that a part of God’s plan was for him to die. Do you think it was easy or hard for Jesus to say yes to God’s plan?
Because Jesus said yes to God’s plans, we can be forgiven and be part of God’s family!



INSTRUCTIONS: Serve kids a handful of snack mix inside a sugar cone.
What kinds of things do you like to say “yes” to?
We like to say yes to fun things like playing games or movie nights, but sometimes, God asks us to say yes to things that don’t seem fun or don’t make sense to us.
Because Jesus said yes to God’s plans, our sins are forgiven. When you say yes to God’s plans, you can be sure that it’s the best choice! God will do something amazing with your yes!

Elementary | Week of March 21, 2021

Welcome to GrowKids Online!
God has great plans and this month we are going to learn how we get to be a part of His great plans!

DISCUSSION: Jesus Brings Glory to God
Read: John 12:20-33

  • Where did people come from to talk to Jesus?
  • What kind of seed/grain did Jesus talk about?
  • What did Jesus say yes to?
  • Read John 12:32. Who did Jesus say would be drawn to Jesus if Jesus was lifted up?
  • What is something God wants you to say yes to this week?
  • Is it difficult for you to say yes to God’s plan when you’re not completely sure what it is?
  • What is something you will do this week because you said yes to God’s plan?


MEMORIZE IT | Memory Verse
INSTRUCTIONS: Write Jeremiah 29:11 on paper so that each word can be covered up with a sticky note. As you review the verse, cover up words at random to help memorize the words. By the end, see if you can recite the verse while it is completely covered!

DO IT | Pyramid Plans
INSTRUCTIONS: Use a LEGO set and don’t look at the blueprint.Ask a sibling or parent to look at the blueprint and instruct you how to build. You can try holding up one piece at a time and ask if it is the next piece needed. The person with the instructions can only say, “yes” or “no.” Together, you should build the set according to the instructions.

Sometimes, you can’t see God’s plans. Just like how Jesus said yes to God’s plans, we can trust God sees the big picture and will carry out the perfect plans for us.
A part of saying “yes” to God is saying “yes” to God’s timing. The best thing we can do is say yes to God’s plan by patiently waiting and trusting that it’s what is best for us!

READ IT | Hebrews 5:7-9
INSTRUCTIONS: Read Hebrews 5:7-9
How do you think Jesus felt knowing that his life would end in a painful way?
From what we read in the Bible, we can see that Jesus wasreally concerned or maybe even afraid dying. But even though it would be extremely hard, Jesus was willing to obey God’s plan no matter what.
Why do you think Jesus was so dedicated to this difficult plan?
Jesus knew that saying yes to God’s plan was justlike saying yes to you. You mean that much to him! Jesus could see every person who would be reconnected to God and forgiven because of his choice. Because of love, Jesus said yes to God’s plans.


Dear God,
thank you for sending Jesus to Earth to save us. Help us to always be willing to follow Jesus’ example and say yes to your plan for our lives!
In Jesus’ Name,

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