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During our UpNext meeting Pastor Todd discussed the plan for the flat roof. For a brief overview, please review the recording from our annual UpNext Sunday.

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We can all do something! Click the button below to give directly to the Flat Roof Fund and setup a one-time or recurring payment online.

$270,842 of $292,000 Raised

Plan for the Flat Roof


In 2018, the Lord directed our attention to three significant areas of our facility that needed repair either because of age or condition – the Cross Tower, the Sanctuary A/C, and the Flat Roof. All three of these areas required major repairs and/or nearing the end of their lifecycle.

In 2020, we repaired the Cross Tower, and in 2021-2022, we installed the new HVAC system in the Sanctuary and removed all the old, heavy, bulky ductwork off the flat roof.

Both projects were completed by using the overflow/surplus funds from Tithes from previous years that God had impressed on us to save. Because of operated as lean as possible and saving, no debts were incurred for these projects. Thank You, Heavenly Dad!

Our desire at GrowPoint is to cover all church operations and facilities management using the Tithes and not having to ask the GrowPoint Family for special building offerings. We would rather our Special Offerings be for kids and youth programming, camp, outreach, missions, and compassion.


In 2002-03, a PVC-membrane roof was installed on the entire flat roof which covers the Kids Classrooms, the Offices, the Front Lobby, the Main Café and the Youth Point Cafe. Instead of completely tearing off the two existing layer of roofing of built-up Asphalt, Wood Fiber and Bitumen, which really should have been done, the installer patched some problems areas and then layered right over top. This course of action did two things. First, it trapped the moisture inside the two old roofs in between the steel decking and the PVC-membrane. Over the years, those two old layers have broken down causing numerous dips and valleys for water to pool and never drain. As the two layers break down, their screw fasteners are still there like hundreds of tiny tent poles holding up the rubber sheeting. As the PVC-membrane rapidly fails due to age, the sun, and weather, these screw heads are poking through causing leaks.

Previously, we hired a structural engineer and found that our flat roof was never designed to carry so much weight, therefore all the old, heavy Sanctuary A/C ductwork was removed off the roof, and we installed a completely different A/C system to eliminate weight. 

We are currently patching leaks whenever we find them, but the problem areas are unable to dry out completely because of the standing water and weather, and the rubber membrane is rapidly failing.

We need to completely tear off all 3 roofs, install a tapered/sloping ISO board insulation system with a PVC-membrane overlay so that water will always drain off. This approach will remove all the problematic layers of old roofing, eliminate the heavy weight, and create better water shedding on the rooftop.


Immediately… We can’t wait any longer. Each day the membrane is breaking down and failing more and more. We must try to do this repair/replacement this year 2023. We must raise all of the needed funds immediately or we must finance the project and pay it off as quickly as possible.

In the meantime, we will continue to patch holes and fix seams, but this is just throwing money at something that will be torn off. Patching is only a stopgap.


$260,000 plus a 25% overrun contingency

Including the 25% contingency, the total cost is $325,000. Because of the tear-offs, it will be very labor-intensive, and currently with the economy, roofing materials are in high demand and low supply.

We currently have saved $65,000 from Roof-Giving and our yearend surplus, so the amount we need to raise is $260,000. ($14.05 per sq. ft.)
After completion the total cost of the Flat Roof project came in under our projected cost by $33,000. The final total cost is $292,000.

Action Steps


1. Pray… Together, we must all seek God and ask for wisdom and provision.
2. Believe… We must trust God and believe that He will provide and pour through us to do His Will and Work. He will keep His promises to us if we honor Him with our finances and the care of His House, others, and His Kingdom. Read Malachi 3:8-12, Luke 6:38, 2 Corinthians 9:6-14, Philippians 4:19

GrowPoint does not “cry wolf” or use high pressure tactics every Sunday for the giving of regular Tithes and Offerings. We teach Followers of Jesus to read and know God’s Word, and then walk it out in faith, joy, and humble confidence. In God’s Kingdom, He always works through His faithful Followers… making us His blessing to others and His church, and He always provides. We give because we are so incredibly grateful for His kindness. Romans 2:3-4, 2 Corinthians 9:15, Ephesians 2:8-10

3. Give… Together, we must all consider what we can give above our regular tithes to the Building Fund for this flat roof replacement.
4. Pray again… This will be a challenge to coordinate the finances, the work, and the weather.

Why Give Now?

The GrowPoint Facility is dedicated to Jesus Christ. It’s where we gather to worship His Name and hear His Word preached. This is where we teach our children and youth. From here, we launch out with His love and kindness into our community. We’re here… God has drawn us all here to GrowPoint at this time. We get to wisely steward His House during this season. What we do will preserve this place and preparing it for the next generations to follow.

We can do this!

Some of us are able to give one square foot ($14.05), while others of us are able to cover more. Some may be moved to cover an entire section of the roof.

For example: If 300 individuals would each commit to giving 62 sq. ft., the entire $260,000 would be paid off. That’s only $16.67 per Sunday for one year in addition to our regular Tithes & Offerings.

Or, perhaps God wants your family to cover a specific area of the roof, such as:

Nursery – 600 sq. ft. = $8,430
Walkers – 780 sq. ft. = $10,959
Pre-K – 1,000 sq. ft. = $14,050
Kitchen – 150 sq. ft. = $2,108
Front Entrance – 300 sq. ft. = $4,215
The Point Café – 1,500 sq. ft. = $21,075
Kids Check-In – 180 sq. ft. = $2,529
Offices – 200 sq. ft. = $2,810 each
Café – 3,950 sq. ft. = $55,498
NextGen Hallway – 650 sq. ft. = $9,133
How to Give

We can all do something! Click the button below to give directly to the Flat Roof Fund and setup a one-time or recurring payment online.

Ready to Give?

We can all do something! Click the button below to give directly to the Flat Roof Fund and setup a one-time or recurring payment online.

$270,842 of $292,000 Raised

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