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This Week's Intro

Big Idea!

Jesus overcame death!

This Week's Story

Jesus is Alive! : Mark 16:1-8

Memory Verse

Romans 10:9

Let's Worship!

Play Video

Coloring Pages

Early Childhood | Week of April 4, 2021

Play Video

Happy Easter! Welcome to GrowKids Online!
Today we celebrate the most victorious day in history and how Jesus conquered death!


DISCUSSION: Jesus is Alive!
Read: Mark 16:1-8

  • Three women went to the place where Jesus was buried when the Sabbath was over.
  • Does anyone know what the Sabbath is? The Sabbath is a day of rest. The Sabbath ended at sunset on Saturday at around 6 p.m.
  • I wonder what spices they brought . . . Do you think they brought salt and pepper? Maybe some garlic powder or Italian seasoning?
  • No, I don’t think the tasty spices we put on our food are what they’re talking about in this story.
  • The spices they brought were for people who were buried in the tomb.
  • But when they arrived at the tomb, the stone door to the front of the tomb was not there!
  • When the women went inside the tomb, they saw someone dressed in a white robe sitting inside.
  • The man told them that Jesus had risen! Jesus was not there!
  • The women were both scared and shocked! The man told them to go tell Jesus’ friends that Jesus was alive!
  • We do a lot of fun stuff at Easter like egg hunts, where we get baskets with candy and play fun games, but we have to remember that Easter is about so much more! Easter is all about remembering that Jesus died to save us, but came back to life!


MEMORIZE IT | Memory in Motion

INSTRUCTIONS: Watch the memory verse video and follow along with the new motions for this month’s verse!

SAY IT | THE BIG IDEA | Jesus overcame death. 

Jesus (Point to up to Heaven.)
overcame (swing arms around head making a rainbow.)
death! (Jump up high!)

DO IT |  Colorful Cross

Let’s create a reminder of what Jesus did for us to overcome death!
Give each kid a piece of black construction paper. Tell them to draw a large cross outline on their paper with a pencil, then goover it using white glue. Next, completely cover the glue design with salt, then shake off the excess salt. You can recycle the excess salt by pouring it back into a container that can be reused for someone else’s paper.Have kids dip their paintbrush into watercolor paint and gently touch a part of their design with the brush to have the color spread. You do not have to wait for the glue to dry before painting.Encourage the kids to be gentle so as not to disturb the wet glue under the salt. Leave aside to dry.

Create a cross out of foam that toddlers can trace on their paper with a white crayon. Then instead of outlining it with glue, have them fill the inside of the cross with glue, then add the salt and paint.

EAT IT | Out of the Tomb

 INSTRUCTIONS: Give each kid a donut hole and a regular glazed donut cut in half. Place the donut cut side down on a plate and roll the donut hole in front of the opening like this to represent the stone being rolled away from Jesus’ tomb.

  • What is your favorite thing about Easter?
  • How many eggs do you think a bunny could fit in its mouth?
  • What’s the best Easter candy?